歌词 "Pioneers" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:BLOC PARTY.

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

If it can be broke then it can be fixed, if it can be fused then it can be split 如果它可以被打破,然后它可以是固定的,如果它可以是稠合的话,就可以被分割

It's all under control 这一切都在控制之下

If it can be lost then it can be won, if it can be touched then it can be turned 如果可能丢失则可以赢得,如果可触及的话,就可以接通

All you need is time 所有你需要的是时间


We promised the world we'd tame it, what were we hoping for? 我们承诺的世界,我们就会驯服它,什么是我们希望的?


A sense of purpose and a sense of skill, a sense of function but a disregard 目标感和技巧感,感功能,但漠视

We will not be the first, we won't 我们不会是第一个,我们不会

You said you were going to conquer new frontiers, 你说你要征服新的领域,

Go stick your bloody head in the jaws of the beast 去坚持你的血淋淋的人头在兽爪


We promised the world, we'd tame it, what were we hoping for? 我们承诺的世界,我们就驯服它,什么是我们希望的?


Breath in, breath out 一口气,呼气


So here we are reinventing the wheel 所以在这里,我们重新发明轮子

I'm shaking hands with a hurricane 我颤抖的手飓风

It's a colour that I can't describe, 这是我无法用语言形容颜色,

It's a language I can't understand 这是一个语言,我无法理解

Ambition, tearing out the heart of you 野心,撕裂了你的心脏

Carving lines into you 雕刻线条为你

Dripping down the sides of you 滴下来的,你的侧面


We will not be the last. 我们不会是最后一次。

歌词 Pioneers 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/pioneers-1/