歌词 "Pickin' It Up" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Pickin' It Up



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Everybody is waiting for everybody to get out 每个人都在等待着大家走出

I'll join 'em talking 'bout the people everybody talk about 我会加入他们谈到我的人大家说说

And all the pretty people party while the petty people pout 和所有漂亮的人聚会,而小的人板着脸


Pickin' it up but then I put it back down 地上去捡起来,但后来我把它背下来

Pickin' it up but then I put it back down 地上去捡起来,但后来我把它背下来

Pickin' it up but then I put it back down 地上去捡起来,但后来我把它背下来


We could have given up early when it was dark still, not light 我们可能已经放弃了早期的时候天已经黑了还是不轻

Now it's the 48th hour of a two-day night 现在,这是一个为期两天一夜的第48小时

And all the pretty people party while the petty people fight 和所有漂亮的人聚会,而小的人打


Pickin' it up but then I put it back down 地上去捡起来,但后来我把它背下来

Pickin' it up but then I put it back down 地上去捡起来,但后来我把它背下来

Pickin' it up but then I put it back down 地上去捡起来,但后来我把它背下来


A jack-of-all-trades and a master of none 自升式的,全行业,没有大师

Why do I have to be bored with being foolish and young? 为什么我要与被愚蠢和年轻无聊?

The show isn't over, but I'm long since gone 该节目还没有结束,但我早已走了

I feel like I let them down when I don't wanna trade my sunshine for a cloudy night 我觉得我让他们失望了,当我不想换我的阳光的阴天夜间


But everybody's pretending the sun won't ever come out 但是,每个人都假装太阳永远不会出来

I'll join 'em talking 'bout whatever everybody talks about 我会加入他们谈到我不管大家谈论

And all the pretty people party while the petty people shout 和所有漂亮的人聚会,而小的人喊


Pickin' it up but then I put it back down 地上去捡起来,但后来我把它背下来

Pickin' it up but then I put it back down 地上去捡起来,但后来我把它背下来

Pickin' it up but then I put it back down 地上去捡起来,但后来我把它背下来

歌词 Pickin' It Up 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/pickin_-it-up/