歌词 "Perfect Bitch" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Perfect Bitch



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Uh, do you know about this motherfuckers 呃,你知道这个怎么就

All you niggas is wack 所有你黑鬼是怪人

Fuck swag 他妈的赃物

He gone girl, he gone 他走了女孩,他走了


Uh, bitches all on his nuts yeah, dawg 呃,母犬都在他的坚果是啊,耶

We swarfing, we urging 我们swarfing ,我们敦促

Got a bitch, she's purging, 有一个婊子,她的清除,

You shiny nigga will rick curbings 你闪亮的兄弟们会里克curbings

Fuck swag it's my virgin, 他妈的赃物这是我的处女,

This tight shit, no virgin 这种紧密的狗屎,没有处女

Miss Marlene, no margin 马琳女士,无保证金

We the way you niggas know surfin' 我们的样子,你黑鬼知道SURFIN

Uh, is it something I said? 呃,这是什么我说?

You're upset, nigga get some head 你难过,兄弟们得到一些头

You ain't got no hoes, well nigga get some bread 你是不会得到任何锄头,还有兄弟们得到一些面包

No grind, you're blind nigga we'll stay instead 不磨,你瞎黑鬼,我们会留下来,而不是

This is liberty, no chivalry 这是自由的,没有骑士精神

You thirsty trick? No sipping me 你渴把戏?没有喝我

I'm on E, I'm gonna take a leak on you weak niggas 我在E,我要走泄漏你弱黑鬼

I want all hate on me, 我想所有的恨我,

I'm laughing to the bank like hi-hi-hi 我笑像喜喜喜银行

Corny shit, don't blame it on me nigga 科尼狗屎,不要责怪我的兄弟们

I'm a free nigga, I'm gonna smoke that whiskey leaf 我是一个自由的黑人,我是威士忌叶烟会

That's spotted pale, you better inhale 那苍白的斑点,你最好吸气

Don't be a clown, get in shape 不要做一个小丑,得到的形状

Get in shape try to get me the crown 得到的形状试图让我冠

No guessed out, don't try to act ho 没有猜对了,不要试图充当浩

Niggas I can hide, but they eyes ain't low 黑鬼我可以躲,但他们的眼睛是不低

Squad full of niggas like Horizon's Coast 阵容全像地平线的海岸黑鬼

Fuck your IBM nigga, I do the most 你他妈的黑鬼IBM公司,我做的最

Turned up shit, that's the life I chose 翻了,妈的,这就是我选择的生活

Fuck school, we gon' pack it bitch 他妈的学校,我们会去收拾这婊子

She knows me now she better study this 她知道我现在的她更好地研究这个

Hate on me, fuck it I love this 恨我,他妈的我喜欢这个

So I finish track, nigga ya might be missed 所以,我完成轨道,兄弟雅可能会错过


Uh, but you never own this mother fucker, 嗯,但你永远拥有这个母亲笨蛋,

AKA no dinero, AKA I fucked your hole 又名无迪内罗,又名我性交的孔

Fuck your bitch, fuck your cool, fuck EMT 你他妈的婊子,你他妈的爽,他妈的EMT

Fuck them Js, shut up bitch, uh 他妈的他们的js ,闭嘴婊子,呃


You're Callie Stew she's Damie Green 你是凯丽炖她Damie绿

Shit was flight, shit was flame 妈的是飞行,狗屎是火焰

Fire it up, y'all shift the lane 火起来,你们都转向车道

You a whore and now what that means 你是妓女,现在是什么意思

You a fame, you a faithful trance 你的名气,你的忠实恍惚

That perfect glance, your thirsty grin 完美的一瞥,你渴了笑容

Now get your fuckin' opinion 现在把你他妈的意见

Low bitch bore us, you type cleans 低婊子孔我们,您式清扫

Aw hell no! 噢该死!


Back to the point, I don't feel y'all 回到正题,我不觉得你们都

You the type of niggas shopin' in the mall 你黑鬼彰彬“的商场类型

Fucking ranches with dirty drawers 他妈的牧场用肮脏的抽屉

Now don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong 现在不要误会我的意思,不要误会我的意思

I'm a turned up nigga with a couple of flaws 我是翻了黑人一对夫妇的缺陷

I've been doing some shit that wouldn't get me rich 我一直在做一些狗屎,不会让我富有

Fuck a bad flip, that's real shit 他妈的坏的翻转,这是真正的狗屎

On to the next like real quick 下一个像真正的快

Wow, Coco, white girl sipping that cocoa 哇,可可,白姑娘喝着可可

That mean nothing to our personal 这意味着什么,以我们个人的

No disrespect, I might flex tho 不尊重,我可能会弯曲寿

I make them drop them drawers with [?] 我让他们把它们带抽屉[?]

I make them ho? my pill with their eyes closed 我让他们何?我的药丸用自己的眼睛闭

Make them suck the dick with a blindfold 让他们吸的家伙一个眼罩

I'm trying to win the nigga with the rhinestone 我试图赢得黑人与水钻

Yeah, I'm with this shit 是的,我有这个狗屎

Know a couple niggas all below the cliff 认识一对夫妻都黑鬼悬崖下面

Niggas want the issue, they unload the shit 黑鬼想这个问题,他们卸下狗屎

Fuck 'em with some niggas I don't give a shit 他妈的时间有些黑鬼我不给狗屎

Untill shit's up, why you flossing me? 直到狗屎的了,为什么你用牙线吗?

Why you talking shit, like you bossing me 为什么你在说废话,像你这样作威作福我

Tryin' to take swag like you won some of them 试着去把赃物像你赢了其中的一些

They can chose me, I don't know them 他们可以选择了我,我不认识他们

Uh bitch, i'm yo daddy nigga, shut up! 呃婊子,我是爸爸哟兄弟们,闭嘴!

歌词 Perfect Bitch 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/perfect-bitch/