歌词 "Peace Sign / Index Down" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Peace Sign / Index Down



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Gym Class Heroes 体操课英雄

Cool and Dre (this is) 酷和肛门指诊(这是)

You silly for this one 你傻了这一个

It's Travie (why you doin this to me) 这是Travie (为什么你做这个给我)


I started rappin back in the class 我开始说唱回到了班

Scribbling tracks 涂鸦曲目

In hopes that one of my jokes 在希望,我的笑话1

Would have the pretty young things laughin 将有年轻漂亮的东西讥笑

The chubby little bastard 胖乎乎的小兔崽子

With a nack for little debbies snacks 用NACK的小debbies小吃

But what I lacked in looks 但我缺乏的长相

I made up for it in passion 我的热情弥补了它

No advance and plus we make it happen 没有事先再加上我们做到这一点

Your conscience more obnoxious 你的良心更厌恶

Then that laughy Taffy snappin 那么laughy乳脂糖拍打

Goodbye yesterdays rags 告别昨天的抹布

Hello high fashion 您好高级时装

Hands before you's a man 之前,你是一个男人的手

That built a castle with sand 这建沙城堡

With no regards for tidelwaves 由于没有关于对tidelwaves

And finally established 并最终确立

Til the water comes in gallon drums 直到水进来加仑桶

And wipes away my palace 和抹了我的宫殿

But now I'm sittin lovely off 但是现在我坐在可爱的关

In wonderland with Alice 仙境中的爱丽丝

With purple people passin me 紫色的人passin我

At the catapillar's chalice 在catapillar的圣杯

Ha ha, you probably thinking 哈哈,你可能会想

I'm wrong right? 我错了吗?

Like I should quit 我应该退出

Writing these songs right? 写这些歌吗?

Tell you what do it better 告诉你什么做的更好

I just might 我只是可能

Take it back to 86 拿回86

You wanna lick, sike! 你想舔,死磕!


Don't let the TV mislead you 不要让电视误导你

Me and you dude we are not equal 我和你的家伙,我们是不相等的

Fuck you this is for my people 你他妈的这是我的人

Fuck you this is for my people 你他妈的这是我的人

Don't try to hide like I can't see you 不要试图隐瞒就像我不能见你

Your parents must've been trans 你的父母一定是被反

And so see through 所以识破

Fuck you this is for my people 你他妈的这是我的人

Fuck you this is for my people 你他妈的这是我的人

Put up your peace sign, put your index down 把你的和平的标志,把你的指数下降

Put up your peace sign, put your index down 把你的和平的标志,把你的指数下降

Put up your peace sign, put your index down 把你的和平的标志,把你的指数下降

Put up your peace sign, put your index down 把你的和平的标志,把你的指数下降


[Busta Rhymes] [ Busta押韵]

Before I utter words 在我说出的话

And before I start to begin 还没等我开始开始

Let me make sure you clear 让我确保你清楚

I'm about securing the wind 我对确保风

I puzzle up my words í困扰了我的话

While I piece another concoction 虽然我拼凑其他药汁

Cause I'm stubborn with the thought 因为我固执的想法

That failure was never an option 失败是从来没有一个选项

I grinds like a carpenter í研就像一个木匠

Until my caleceous's bleed 直到我caleceous的放气

With the passion from my heart 从我的心脏的激情

To the many mouths that I feed 要我养活很多口

That's why I look at most of you 这就是为什么我看你最

Stupid I know it's odd 愚蠢的我知道这是奇

Because you can't really do 因为你不能真正做到

Nuttin to me unless you GOD 尼坦我,除非你是上帝

But bein that none of you aint him 但贝因中没有一个人你是不是他

You can't fuck with me 你不能跟我他妈的

Now watch me erase them 现在看我删除它们

Now trust me see I'm so determined 现在相信我看到我如此坚定

I'm walkin through the heap of gauntlets 我通过护手堆走着

While the fire is burnin 而火燃尽

Or how the tires 或如何轮胎

Turning on the rim of the V 接通Ⅴ的轮辋

I laugh and shake it off 我笑了,动摇它关闭

The shit they be doin to me 他们将会做我的狗屎

Wit all the yappin and talking 机智的所有yappin和说话

And so and so think 和某某认为

That you can ever stop the kid 你可以永远停止小子

OH NO 哦,不


So if you get in my way you know yer done son 所以,如果你在我的方式让你知道揭掉做儿子

You best believe what I say you better run son 你最好相信我说的话你最好跑的儿子

Fuck you because I do this for my loved ones 去你妈的,因为我这样做对我的亲人

Fuck you because I do this for my loved ones 去你妈的,因为我这样做对我的亲人

You better kneel down 你最好下跪

And pray cause where I come from 祷告的原因我来自哪里

We goin hard everyday that's how the fights won 我们要去硬日常生活是这样的打架怎么赢

Fuck you because I do this for my loved ones 去你妈的,因为我这样做对我的亲人

Fuck you because I do this for my loved ones 去你妈的,因为我这样做对我的亲人

Put up the peace sign, put the index down 搭起和平的标志,把指标向下

Put up the peace sign, put the index down 搭起和平的标志,把指标向下

Put up the peace sign, put the index down 搭起和平的标志,把指标向下

Put up the peace sign, put the index down 搭起和平的标志,把指标向下


Look mom no hands (no hands) 看妈妈没有手(没有手)

Yer little boys a man (goddamn) 揭掉小男孩一个人(该死的)

Everything you said is finally settin in 你所说的一切终于在设置搜索

Trainin wheels fell off and I kept peddling 赖宁轮子掉了下来,我不停地兜售

Now I'm ridin wheelies on this industry 现在我对这个行业坐车后轮平衡

Say the word I'll ghostride 你说一句话我会ghostride

This bitch instantly 这个婊子瞬间

Good lookin pop on the strength that you givin me 你得到安宁我的实力不错的看着流行

Wasn't for you Gym Class would be history 是不是因为你的体育课将成为历史

I'm on my upstate shit 我对我的屎州北部

I Was Brooklyn broke but now I'm upstate rich 我是布鲁克林分手,但现在我很北部丰富

Gettin brains from two dames with French accents 从两个贵妇人与法国口音的大脑开始报

Now I mess with local chicks 现在我惹当地小鸡

I get em upstate shit 我得到EM北部狗屎

You prob thinking I'm wrong right? 您概率思维,我错了吗?

Like I should quit writtin these songs right? 我应该退出writtin这些歌曲吗?

Tell you what do it better I just might 告诉你什么做的更好,我只是可能

Take it back to 86 you want a lick, sike! 把它收回来86你想舔,死磕!


Now it's a lot of yall that can't stand me 现在,这是一个很大的亚勒不能站在我

Cause my resembelance to prince is uncanny 因为我resembelance王子是不可思议

But fuck you this is for my family 但是,你他妈的这是我的家人

Fuck you this is for my family 他妈的你这是给我的家人

Upstate new york to Miami 纽约上州迈阿密

Up late recording in my jammies 熬夜记录在我的睡衣

I do it for my family 我这样做是为了我的家人

Fuck you this is for my family 他妈的你这是给我的家人

Put up your peace sign, put your index down 把你的和平的标志,把你的指数下降

Put up your peace sign, put your index down 把你的和平的标志,把你的指数下降

Put up your peace sign, put your index down 把你的和平的标志,把你的指数下降

Put up your peace sign, put your index down 把你的和平的标志,把你的指数下降

歌词 Peace Sign / Index Down 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/peace-sign-index-down/

歌词 Peace Sign / Index Down 的作者与版权信息:


Travis Mccoy, Matthew Mcginley, Disashi Lumumba-Kasongo


Epileptic Ceasar Music, Emi April Music Inc.