歌词 "Passionate Kisses" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Passionate Kisses



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Is it too much to ask 难道是过分的要求

I want a comfortable bed that won't hurt my back 我希望有一个舒适的床,不会伤害我的背

Food to fill me up 食品,填补了我

And warm clothes and all that stuff 和保暖的衣服和所有的东西

Shouldn't I have this 我不应该有这样的

Shouldn't I have this 我不应该有这样的

Shouldn't I have all of this, and 我不应该有这一切,和


Passionate kisses 热情的亲吻

Passionate kisses, whoa oh oh 热情的亲吻,哇哦,哦

Passionate kisses from you 从你热情的亲吻


Is it too much to demand 是太多要求

I want a full house and a rock and roll band 我想要一个完整的家和一个摇滚乐队

Pens that won't run out of ink 将没有用完的墨水笔

And cool quiet and time to think 凉爽安静和思考的时间

Shouldn't I have this 我不应该有这样的

Shouldn't I have this 我不应该有这样的

Shouldn't I have all of this, and 我不应该有这一切,和


Passionate kisses 热情的亲吻

Passionate kisses, whoa oh oh 热情的亲吻,哇哦,哦

Passionate kisses from you 从你热情的亲吻


Do I want too much 我想太多了

Am I going overboard to want that touch 难道我做得过分想要的那一抹

I shout it out to the night 我不希望长生夜

"Give me what I deserve, 'cause it's my right" “给我什么我应得的,因为这是我的权利”

Shouldn't I have this (shouldn't I) 我不应该有这样的(我不应该)

Shouldn't I have this (shouldn't I) 我不应该有这样的(我不应该)

Shouldn't I have all of this, and 我不应该有这一切,和


Passionate kisses 热情的亲吻

Passionate kisses, whoa oh oh 热情的亲吻,哇哦,哦

Passionate kisses from you 从你热情的亲吻

Passionate kisses 热情的亲吻

Passionate kisses, whoa oh oh 热情的亲吻,哇哦,哦

Passionate kisses from you 从你热情的亲吻

歌词 Passionate Kisses 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/passionate-kisses/

歌词 Passionate Kisses 的作者与版权信息:


Lucinda Williams


Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp.