歌词 "Party Party" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Party Party



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

We're gonna drink enough tonight to drown the average army 我们要喝酒,今晚足以淹没的平均军

By New Year's Day the next door neighbour will be goin' barmy 由元旦的隔壁邻居将要去发酵的

The milkman arrives at midday with his usual wisecrack 送奶工到达中午与他一贯的俏皮话

Who knows a girl with Wednesday legs so when's they gonna snap? 谁知道周三的腿,所以当的,他们会捕捉一个女孩?


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

Why does everybody have to be so hale and hearty 为什么每个人都如此精神矍铄

Can't they see we're tryin' to have a party party party party 他们不能看到我们试着开个派对派对派对派对


The last thing I remember I was talkin' to some fellas 最后一件事,我记得我当时说有些家伙

Then she said she'd have a word for me with her good-looking mate 然后她说她有话对我来说,她好看的队友

And handed me a pint-pot filled with Advocaat and Tizer 递给我一品脱罐充满艾德沃卡特和Tizer

And I woke in the flowerbeds of fear (beer?) and fertilizer 我醒来的恐惧的花圃(啤酒? )和化肥


[Chorus] [合唱]


So shift yourself and shake your bod 于是转向自己,动摇你的BOD

You got bullet proof insurance from fire, flood and Act of God 你有火灾,水灾,天灾防弹保险

You got to learn from your mistakes 你得从你的错误中学习

When you got a face like last week's Cornflakes 当你有像上周的玉米片一张脸


The doors and the window frames are by Pablo Picasso 门和窗棂都是由毕加索

The party decorations owned by Michelangelo 在由米开朗基罗所拥有宴会布置

The fine music that you hear is by Stravinsky 你听到好的音乐是斯特拉文斯基

With overall design by Leonardo daVinci 由莱昂纳多·达芬奇的整体设计


[Chorus] [合唱]


So shift yourself and shake your bod 于是转向自己,动摇你的BOD

You got bullet proof insurance from fire, flood and Act of God 你有火灾,水灾,天灾防弹保险

You got to learn from your mistakes 你得从你的错误中学习

When you got a face like last week's Cornflakes 当你有像上周的玉米片一张脸


Two boys are upstairs in your bed 两个男孩在楼上的床上

Three girls are downstairs crying 三个女孩在楼下哭

The Alka Seltzer in the glass is roaring like a lion 该艾尔卡塞尔策在玻璃咆哮像狮子

You think you've aged ten years tonight and still never been kissed 你觉得你年龄10年今晚仍然没有被亲吻

So you overdose on aftershave and try to slash your wrist 所以,你过量服用润肤,并试图削减自己的手腕


[Chorus and fade] [合唱和淡出]

歌词 Party Party 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/party-party/

歌词 Party Party 所在专辑及曲目:
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Couldn't You Keep That To Yourself
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Fire Suite 3
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I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself
I Throw My Toys Around
I'll Never Fall In Love Again
Less Than Zero (Dallas Version)
Lesson In Cruelty
Life Shrinks
Long Journey Home
Lost In The Stars
Lovers That Never Were
Mischievous Ghost
Miss Mary
Mistress And Maid
My Brave Face
My Dark Life
My Mood Swings
O, Mistress Mine
Oh Well
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Passionate Fight
Punishing Kiss
Put Your Big Toe In The Milk Of Human Kindness
Shadow And Jimmy
She (Tous Les Visages De L'Amour)
Soul For Hire (45 Alibis Version)
Sparkling Day
St. Stephen's Day Murders
Suspect My Tears
That Day Is Done
The Bridge I Burned
The Fall Of The World's Own Optimist
The King Of The Unknown Sea
The Night Before Larry Was Stretched
The Unfailing Welcome To The Voice
Tommy's Coming Home
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Unwanted Number
What Do I Do Now?
When That I Was And A Little Tiny Boy
You Want Her Too
I Like To Move It
Don't Stop
Till Death Do We Party
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Come With Us
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Tryin' To Stay 'Live
Down In The Valley
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My Sentimental Melody
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No Roads Left
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