歌词 "P. Diddy Intro" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

P. Diddy Intro



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[P. Diddy] [体育老爹]


The year 1987 star is born 1987新星诞生

the place Harlum thats were we from the home of hustlersand money makers his name Loon its your 地方Harlum这就是被我们从hustlersand钱者的家他的名字龙是你的

turn now kid show em what you got young party and heartless young Markus this bad boy we give 把现在的孩子表现出他们什么,你得到了年轻的党和没心没肺的小马库斯我们给这个坏小子

birth to mother fuckers like this destness for grateness the legucy continues show em what you got 出生到不要脸这样destness为grateness的legucy继续显示EM你得到了什么

歌词 P. Diddy Intro 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/p-diddy-intro/