歌词 "Owensboro" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Well, I lived in a town 嗯,我住在一个小镇

Way down south 路南下

By the name of Owensboro 由欧文斯伯勒的名称

And I worked in a mill 我曾在一家磨坊

With the rest of the "trash" 随着“垃圾”的其余部分

As we're often called 正如我们经常叫

As you know 如你所知


Well, we rise up early 好了,我们清早起来

In the morning 早晨

And we work all day real hard 我们整天工作的实际努力

To buy our little meat and bread 购买我们一点肉和面包

Buy sugar, tea, and lard 买糖,茶,和猪油


Well, our children 好了,我们的孩子

Grow up unlearned 长大后未学会

With no time to go to school 由于没有时间去上学

Almost before they learn to walk 他们学会走路之前,几乎

They learn to spin and spoon 他们学会了旋转和勺子


Well, the folks in town 好了,乡亲们在城里

They dress so fine 他们打扮得如此精致

And spend their money free 花自己的钱免费

But they would hardly look 但是,他们将很难看

At a factory hand 在一个工厂的手

Who dresses like you or me 谁穿得像你和我


Would you let them wear 你让他们穿

Their watches fine 他们的手表精

Let them wear their gems 让他们穿自己的宝石

And pearly strings 和珍珠串


But when that day 但是,这一天,

Of judgement comes 判断来

They'll have to share 他们将不得不分享

Their pretty things 其漂亮的东西

歌词 Owensboro 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/owensboro/

歌词 Owensboro 的作者与版权信息:


Kenny Baker, Blaine Sprouse


House Of Sprouse Music