歌词 "Out Of Tha Ghetto" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Out Of Tha Ghetto


歌词相关歌手:RAY J

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Ayyo girl, this is the world mean of thug r&b 暴徒R&B的Ayyo的女孩,这是世界的意思

It's rise high, let's go 它的崛起高,让我们去


Lately baby I been thinkin something crazy 最近,宝贝,我一直在想一些疯狂

(We can get out of tha ghetto) (我们可以走出THA贫民窟)

If you wonderin why bills are high 如果你迷惘,为什么账单都很高

But only seems to multiply 但似乎只繁殖

(e can get out of tha ghetto) (五可以走出THA贫民窟)

And what we can do and we wanna do 而我们能做些什么,我们想做的事

Is somethin we need completely fast too 是事端,我们需要完全快过

(We can get out of tha ghetto) (我们可以走出THA贫民窟)

Timeless strange, time for time to change 时间改变永恒的怪,时间

What these sickin things been the same 这是什么东西sickin一直同

(We can get out of tha ghetto) (我们可以走出THA贫民窟)


Gonna struggle, work hard in asshole 要去奋斗,在屁眼努力

Gonna stay focus, trust me 会留下焦点,相信我

I trust you, or will say goodbye 我相信你,还是会说再见

Far well, do I trouble 远远好了,我的麻烦

And basically 基本上

We gon get out of tha ghetto 我们坤走出塔贫民窟


Last night I vale to you 昨天晚上我淡水河谷给你

To change my life and change yours too 要改变我的生活,改变你太

(We can get out of tha ghetto) (我们可以走出THA贫民窟)

And all tha distance looks hard to go 和所有临屋区的距离看起来很难去

Until we try he will not know 直到我们尝试他不会知道

(We can get out of tha ghetto) (我们可以走出THA贫民窟)

And all pains sufferin is cover you high 和所有的痛苦在痛苦就是覆盖你高

I wanna show you a brighter side 我想告诉你一个光明的一面

(We can get out of tha ghetto) (我们可以走出THA贫民窟)

Will be succes for will be free 将更迭的将是免费的

We can do with just wait and see 我们可以只是等待和观望做

(We can get out of tha ghetto) (我们可以走出THA贫民窟)

So come on girl 所以来的女孩


Gonna struggle, work hard in asshole 要去奋斗,在屁眼努力

Gonna stay focus, trust me 会留下焦点,相信我

I trust you, or will say goodbye 我相信你,还是会说再见

Far well, do I trouble 远远好了,我的麻烦

And basically 基本上

We gon get out of tha ghetto 我们坤走出塔贫民窟


Gonna struggle, work hard in asshole 要去奋斗,在屁眼努力

Gonna stay focus, trust me 会留下焦点,相信我

I trust you, or will say goodbye 我相信你,还是会说再见

Far well, do I trouble 远远好了,我的麻烦

And basically 基本上

We gon get out of tha ghetto 我们坤走出塔贫民窟


I will suspire, show you a better day girl 我会suspire ,告诉你一个更美好的一天女孩

So back up your things, we're on away 因此,备份你的东西,我们在客场


[Shorty Mack] [矮个子麦克]

We can get up and get out 我们可以站起来,走出

The crib about to fade out 关于婴儿床淡出

I'm like what you wanna do baby 我很喜欢你想做的事宝贝

Is all G's, smash with the knock out 是所有的G公司,扣杀与淘汰

Lady life for you be easy 夫人的生活,你很容易

Believe me, cause aint no stuck in around here 相信我,会导致不是没有卡在这儿

It's not a game, you messed up here 这不是一个游戏,你在这里搞砸了

It be a shame, for you honey 这是一种耻辱,因为你的蜂蜜

While I'm offerin to you money 虽然我offerin给你钱

And I take you out of the hood 我带你出去的油烟机

Is that undestood? 是undestood ?

I get you right of tha ghetto 我得到临屋区贫民窟的你的权利

We mess tha hood 我们乱塔罩


Gonna struggle, work hard in asshole 要去奋斗,在屁眼努力

Gonna stay focus, trust me 会留下焦点,相信我

I trust you, or will say goodbye 我相信你,还是会说再见

Far well, do I trouble 远远好了,我的麻烦

And basically 基本上

We gon get out of tha ghetto 我们坤走出塔贫民窟


Gonna struggle, work hard in asshole 要去奋斗,在屁眼努力

Gonna stay focus, trust me 会留下焦点,相信我

I trust you, or will say goodbye 我相信你,还是会说再见

Far well, do I trouble 远远好了,我的麻烦

And basically 基本上

We gon get out of tha ghetto 我们坤走出塔贫民窟

歌词 Out Of Tha Ghetto 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/out-of-tha-ghetto/

歌词 Out Of Tha Ghetto 的作者与版权信息:


Chad Hugo, Pharrell Williams


Chaserayn Music Publishing LLC, Emi Blackwood Music Inc.