歌词 "Out In The Street" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Out In The Street



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Put on your best dress baby 穿上你最好的衣服宝宝

And darlin', fix your hair up right 和亲爱的,解决你的头发向右

Cause there's a party, honey 因为有一个党,亲爱的

Way down beneath the neon lights 下方的霓虹灯一路下滑

All day you've been working that hard line 一整天,你一直在说难行

Now tonight you're gonna have a good time 现在,今晚你得的好时机


I work five days a week girl 我的工作,每周五天的女孩

Loading crates down on the dock 在码头装载箱倒

I take my hard earned money 我把我的血汗钱

And meet my girl down on the block 并满足我的女孩倒在该区块

And Monday when the foreman calls time 和周一的时候,工头来电时间

I've already got Friday on my mind 我已经得到了上周五我的脑海


When that whistle blows 当哨声响起

Girl, I'm down the street 女孩,我在街上

I'm home, I'm out of my work clothes 我的家,我是从我的工作服

When I'm out in the street 当我在街上

I walk the way I wanna walk 我走我想要走的路

When I'm out in the street 当我在街上

I talk the way I wanna talk 我讲我想讲的方式

When I'm out in the street 当我在街上

When I'm out in the street 当我在街上


When I'm out in the street, girl 当我在街上,女孩

Well, I never feel alone 嗯,我从来没有感到孤独

When I'm out in the street, girl 当我在街上,女孩

In the crowd I feel at home 在人群中,我觉得在家里

The black and whites they cruise by 黑人和白人,他们通过巡航

And they watch us from the corner of their eye 他们看我们从他们的眼角


But there ain't no doubt, girl, down here 但没有任何疑问,女孩,到这里

We ain't gonna take what they're handing out 我们是不是要采取什么他们发放

When I'm out in the street 当我在街上

I walk the way I wanna walk 我走我想要走的路

When I'm out in the street 当我在街上

I talk the way I wanna talk 我讲我想讲的方式

Baby, out in the street I don't feel sad or blue 宝贝,在大街上,我不觉得难过或蓝色

Baby, out in the street I'll be waiting for you 宝贝,在大街上,我会等着你


When the whistle blows 当哨声响起

Girl, I'm down the street 女孩,我在街上

I'm home, I'm out of my work clothes 我的家,我是从我的工作服

When I'm out in the street 当我在街上

I walk the way I wanna walk 我走我想要走的路

When I'm out in the street 当我在街上

I talk the way I wanna talk 我讲我想讲的方式


When I'm out in the street 当我在街上

Pretty girls, they're all passing by 漂亮的女孩,他们都经过

When I'm out in the street 当我在街上

From the corner, we give them the eye 从角落里,我们给他们的眼


Baby, out in the street I just feel all right 宝贝,在大街上我只是觉得没事

Meet me out in the street, little girl, tonight 迎接我在街上,小丫头,今晚

Meet me out in the street 迎接我在街上

Meet me out in the street 迎接我在街上

歌词 Out In The Street 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/out-in-the-street/