歌词 "Our Gift" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Our Gift



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Take my hand 牵着我的手

We are bound 我们一定

You never have to feel alone 你从来没有孤单的感觉

For we are found 因为我们发现,


Rise up all chosen 奋起所有选择

This is your moment to shine 这是你的时刻闪耀

‘Cause if you feel how I feel 因为如果你觉得我的感觉

then there’s nothing to fear ‘cause this is your life 然后还有什么好怕因为这是你的生活


I grant you eternity sat at my side 我承认你永远坐在我身边

All I ask is for your loyalty until the end of time 我想问的是你的忠诚,直到时间的尽头


You knew you could prey on my heart 你知道你可以掠夺我的心脏

You knew you could sell me from the start 你知道你可以从一开始就卖给我

Now I know that this could be the end of me 现在我知道,这可能是我的最后

Falling for the same game that you sold to him 爱上了你卖给他相同的游戏

I see this for what it is, we need it to believe in 我认为这对于它是什么,我们需要相信

You’ve preyed upon us for the final time 在我们身上你已经捕获了在最后的时间


Let go, lose control, 放手,失去控制,

Forget the ones you used to know 忘记你以前认识的那些

We are your family, this is your home now 我们是你的家人,这就是你的家,现在

Don’t fucking forget the mess we found you in 别他妈的忘记,我们发现您的一塌糊涂

A gift turned a curse 礼物变成了诅咒

A pact of blood until the end of the earth 血的契约,直到地球的尽头


You knew you could prey on my heart 你知道你可以掠夺我的心脏

You knew you could sell me from the start 你知道你可以从一开始就卖给我

Now I know that this could be the end of me 现在我知道,这可能是我的最后

Falling for the same game that you sold to him 爱上了你卖给他相同的游戏

I see this for what it is, we need it to believe in 我认为这对于它是什么,我们需要相信

You’ve preyed upon us for the final time 在我们身上你已经捕获了在最后的时间


Now I know that this could be the end of me 现在我知道,这可能是我的最后

Falling for the same game that you sold to him 爱上了你卖给他相同的游戏

I see this for what it is, we need it to believe in 我认为这对于它是什么,我们需要相信

You’ve preyed upon us for the final time 在我们身上你已经捕获了在最后的时间

歌词 Our Gift 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/our-gift/