歌词 "Only Us" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Only Us



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Only Us [x3] 只有我们[ X3 ]


It wasn't in the words that kept sticking in their throats 这不是在不停地粘在他们的喉咙的话

It wasn't with the angels in their quilted coats 这不是在他们的绗缝外套的天使

These battered wings still kick up dust 这些受虐的翅膀仍然扬起灰尘

Seduced by the noise and the bright things that glisten 由噪声和明亮的东西,闪亮诱惑

I knew all the time I should shut up and listen 我知道所有我应该闭嘴,听的时间

And I'm finding my way home from the great escape 而且我发现我回家的路上,从胜利大逃亡


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

The further on I go, oh the less I know 进一步的我走了,哦,我越知道

I can find only us breathing 我能找到的只有我们的呼吸

Only us sleeping 只有我们睡

Only us dreaming 只有我们做梦

Only us 只有我们


I hear you calling me 我听到你在叫我

Yes I hear you calling me 是的,我听到你在叫我

Home from the great escape 家里的大逃亡

Yes I can read you loud and clear 是的,我可以大声读出你和清除


The further on I go, oh the less I know 进一步的我走了,哦,我越知道

Friend or foe, there's only us 朋友还是敌人,这里只有我们


[Chorus] [合唱]


I'm coming home again, home again 我又回家了,回家了

And I hear you calling me home again 而且我听说你回家了给我打电话

I am coming home again 我又回家了


Only us [x8] 只有我们[ X8 ]

歌词 Only Us 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/only-us/

歌词 Only Us 的作者与版权信息:


Peter Gabriel


Real World Music Ltd.