One Ocean
It's not a new alarm 这不是一个新的报警
That you heard 那你听说过
But it's like I'm new again 但它就像我是新一次
New in its salt 在新的盐
Realizing 实现
No illusions as good 不抱幻想的好
So I made my way to the surf again 于是我又做我的方式来冲浪
A bit of heaven 天上的位
Hey 嘿嘿
It's our one ocean 这是我们唯一的海洋
It's balanced on the edge 它的边缘平衡
And it's calling you 而且它给你打电话
We met at the tides end 我们在潮汐会见结束
A baptism so divine 洗礼如此神圣
Like arms all around us 就像我们身边的武器
My answer seems imminent 我的回答似乎一触即发
Well if I don't surface soon I may never 那么,如果我不浮出水面不久我可能永远不会
And say farewell to this odyssey 而告别本奥德赛
A bit of heaven 天上的位
Hey 嘿嘿
It's our one ocean 这是我们唯一的海洋
It's balanced on the edge 它的边缘平衡
And it's calling you 而且它给你打电话
Hey it's our one ocean 嘿,这是我们唯一的海洋
It's sitting on the edge 它坐在边缘
And it's calling you 而且它给你打电话
Hey hey 嘿嘿
It's our one ocean 这是我们唯一的海洋
It's balanced on the edge 它的边缘平衡
And it's calling you 而且它给你打电话
Hey it's our one ocean 嘿,这是我们唯一的海洋
It's sitting on the edge 它坐在边缘
歌词 One Ocean 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:
- Ouija Board
- An Island
- Take Out The Gunman
- Jawbreaker
- Hunter Eats Hunter
- One Ocean
- Choking Game
- The Damned
- Under The Knife
- Twinge
- 相关歌词
- Been Here All Along
- Still There For Me
- Oceans Burning
- Sea Breeze
- Red Strand
- This One
- Lost In Space
- No Hidden Path
- Time Is An Ocean
- My Praise
- 推荐歌词
- Home
- Coulda Been The One
- Honestly
- Tonight
- First
- Loneliness
- Spending Money
- You Don't Act Like My Woman
- Song To The Siren
- Like Father, Like Son (Papa's Song)
- Glory, Glory
- Okay
- It Must Be Summer
- Master Of Ceremony
- Officially Alive
- Have A Nice Day
- Don't Cry Sister
- Headphones
- As Long As You Wait For Me
- Cold
- 歌词 One Ocean 的作者与版权信息:
Samuel Loeffler, Peter Loeffler
Sushi Grade Music, Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp.
- "One Ocean" lyrics are property and copyright of their owners."One Ocean" lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only.
- 歌词 "One Ocean" 的所有者拥有该歌词的产权和版权。仅供教育目的且仅限个人使用。
- 歌词 "One Ocean" 的中文对照翻译版本由本站整理完成,仅供学习参考,对于其中的错误本站不承担任何责任。