歌词 "One By One" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

One By One



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I remember wasting time 我记得在浪费时间

Watching as the planes fly by 看着飞机飞经

I remember hearing the engines echoing through the sky 我记得听到在天空回荡引擎


And they used to say 他们常说

That someday you'll forget it 有一天你会忘记它

You won't hear them 你不会听到他们的声音

And they used to say 他们常说

That time goes by 那段时间的推移,

That nothing changes 没有什么变化


[Chorus] [合唱]

I won't miss my flight again 我不会再错过我的班机

I'm not where I belong 我不是属于我的地方

So give me just one chance 所以给我一个机会

And one by one I'll prove you wrong 一个接一个,我会证明你错了

One by one I'll prove you wrong 一个接一个,我会证明你错了


I remember every night 我记得每天晚上

Sitting by the runway side 在跑道边坐

I remember waiting for a reason to say goodbye 我记得我在等待一个理由说再见


And they used to say 他们常说

That someday you'll forget it 有一天你会忘记它

You won't hear them 你不会听到他们的声音

And they used to say 他们常说

The day goes by but you can't change it 这一天的流逝,但你不能改变它


[Chorus] [合唱]


Sometimes I think I've been wrong 有时候,我觉得我已经错了

But this is the place that I think I belong 但是,这是我认为属于我的地方

And everytime I speak my mind I'm leaving you behind 每次当我说出自己的想法,我离开你身后


and I won't miss my flight again 我不会再错过我的班机

I'm not where I belong 我不是属于我的地方

So give me just one chance 所以给我一个机会

And one by one I'll prove you wrong 一个接一个,我会证明你错了


I won't miss my flight again 我不会再错过我的班机

I'm not where I belong 我不是属于我的地方

So give me just one chance 所以给我一个机会

And one by one I'll prove you wrong 一个接一个,我会证明你错了

one by one I'll prove you wrong 一个接一个,我会证明你错了

one by one I'll prove you wrong 一个接一个,我会证明你错了

one by one I'll prove you wrong 一个接一个,我会证明你错了

歌词 One By One 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/one-by-one-4/

歌词 One By One 的作者与版权信息:


Jean-Francois Stinco, Oscar Fredrick Dronjak, Joacim Anders Cans, Charles-Andre Comeau, Sebastien Lefebvre, Morten Veland, Pierre Bouvier


Hanseatic Musikverlag Gmbh & Co. Kg, High-maintenance Music Inc., Wet-wheelie Music Inc., Dropout Music Inc., Prophecies Publishing Markus Staiger, Warner/Chappell Music Scandinavia AB, Stinky Music, WB Music Corp.