歌词 "Once Was One" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Once Was One



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Of all us he had to know he'd never grow 我们所有的人,他必须知道他会永远长不大

He'd never climb he'd never love like the love I know 他从来没有爬到他从来没有像爱的爱,我知道

When I was two and he was ten they carried me 当我两岁,他是10 ,他们把我

Through holograms they twisted into cosmic seas 通过全息图,他们扭曲成宇宙海洋


Once was born of light like you 一旦生光喜欢你

Once was one but now am two 曾经是一个,但现在是2

When I was born of love like you 当我出生时的爱情像你

When you were ten and I was two 当你10 ,我是2


There were two monkeys talkin' sounding like little dogs 有两只猴子在说听起来像小狗狗

They were barking and bitching about what was wrong 他们吠叫和婊子什么是错的

In the world we were just spacemen taking a ride 在世界上,我们只是太空人以一骑

The gorilla's in his human suit reciting his lines singing 大猩猩在他的人的西装背诵台词唱

We all we all we all turn on we all we all we all turn off 我们都大家都大家都打开,我们都大家都大家都关掉


If gather is all you need to change the wind 如果集合是所有你需要改变风

For anything to die it needs first to begin 对于任何不行了,需要先开始


Once was born of light like you 一旦生光喜欢你

Once was one but now am two 曾经是一个,但现在是2

When I was born of love like you 当我出生时的爱情像你

When you were ten and I was two 当你10 ,我是2


There were two monkeys talkin' sounding like little dogs 有两只猴子在说听起来像小狗狗

They were barking and bitching about what was wrong 他们吠叫和婊子什么是错的

In the world we were just spacemen taking a ride 在世界上,我们只是太空人以一骑

The gorilla's in his human suit reciting his lines singing 大猩猩在他的人的西装背诵台词唱

We all we all we all turn on we all we all we all turn off in time 我们都大家都大家都打开,我们都大家都大家都及时关闭


Saw your future is not burning so bright 看到你的未来不是烧那么亮

But if we live too long you'll live less like mine 但如果我们活得太长时间,你会活少像我这样的


We all we all we all turn on we all we all we all turn off 我们都大家都大家都打开,我们都大家都大家都关掉


There were two monkeys talkin' sounding like little dogs 有两只猴子在说听起来像小狗狗

They were barking and bitching about what was wrong 他们吠叫和婊子什么是错的

In the world we were just spacemen taking a ride 在世界上,我们只是太空人以一骑

The gorilla's in his human suit reciting his lines singing 大猩猩在他的人的西装背诵台词唱

We all we all we all turn on we all we all we all turn off in time 我们都大家都大家都打开,我们都大家都大家都及时关闭


If human breed hate love and lies would be traits of mine 如果人类繁殖恨爱和谎言是我的特质

But I was of the future past and present time 但我是未来的过去和现在时


Once was born of light like you 一旦生光喜欢你

Once was one but now am two 曾经是一个,但现在是2

When I was born of love like you 当我出生时的爱情像你

When you were ten and I was two 当你10 ,我是2

歌词 Once Was One 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/once-was-one/

歌词 Once Was One 的作者与版权信息:


John Baldwin Gourley


WB Music Corp., Approaching Airballoons