歌词 "On The Wire" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

On The Wire



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Now the ground comes up too fast 现在地面上来太快

Too fast to meet you 太快见到你

In clouds of dust erupting 在云灰尘的喷发

Thick around your feet, be careful 在你英尺厚,要小心

In the rubble in waiting 在等待的废墟

Wall to wall where you tread 墙到墙,你踩

Now the quick and the dead and the same old 现在,死人和活人和老

Fates come calling cards away 命运过来电话卡走

How do you think it came to pass you 你如何看待它来传递你

By the hard way by desire 由欲望硬盘的方式

How do you think it came to pass you by? 你如何看待它走过来传递你吗?

On the wire 上线


I don't sleep so I don't dream 我不睡觉,所以我没有梦想

So I don't wake up frightened 因此,我不害怕醒来

Everything is what it seems if 一切都变了样,如果

You look deep enough tonight and 你看深足今晚

See..... 见.....


On the wire 上线

On the wire 上线

On the wire 上线

I will not fall 我不会掉落


On the wire 上线

On the wire 上线

On the wire 上线

I will not fall 我不会掉落


On the wire 上线

On the wire 上线

On the wire 上线

I will not fall 我不会掉落


On the wire 上线

On the wire 上线

On the wire 上线

I will not fall 我不会掉落


On the wire 上线

On the wire 上线

On the wire 上线

I will not fall 我不会掉落


On the wire 上线

On the wire 上线

On the wire 上线

I will not fall 我不会掉落

歌词 On The Wire 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/on-the-wire-1/

歌词 On The Wire 的作者与版权信息:


Andrew Eldritch


Eldritch Boulevard Ltd.