歌词 "On The Attack" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

On The Attack



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

the scene often changes, the kids come and go but history's for sure and this much i know. the root of tough music for america's youth was old school hardcore, you know it's the truth! this is my world, wolfpack, last rights. the kids will have their say another wasted night. there's many forms of music, and they all play a part, as long as the meaning comes straight from the heart. so open you eyes and please use your brain, 'cause punk, oi!, and hardcore, are one in the same because today we carry on, and the numbers have grown, a social movement that we call our own. so let's stick together with our friends at our backs, because the climate is changing, we're on the attack! 经常变化的场景,孩子们来来去去,但历史是肯定的,这一点我知道。强悍的音乐对美国青年的根是老派的铁杆,你知道这是事实!这是我的世界,狼群,最后的权利。孩子们会说他们浪费了另一个晚上。有许多的音乐形式,他们都扮演一个角色,只要意思直接来自心脏。所以打开你的眼睛,请用你的大脑,因为朋克,爱!和铁杆,都是在同一个,因为今天我们继续和数量不断增长,我们称之为我们自己的社会运动。让我们与我们的朋友在我们的背上粘在一起,因为气候正在发生变化,我们在进攻!

歌词 On The Attack 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/on-the-attack/