歌词 "On My Knees" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

On My Knees



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Stand, with all my might and still I seem to fall I try to walk before 站立,用我所有的力量,仍然我似乎落在我尝试之前走

I even crawl ohh it seems I'm like a child in me again a helpless heart a broken man. 我连爬哦,似乎我像一个孩子在我再次无奈的心脏一个破碎的人。

Strength, is something that's so very hard to find but still I know the 实力雄厚,是东西是如此很难找到,但我仍知道

truth it must be blind so I sacrifice my heart to god in prayer lay my weakness down and I'll find you there. 真理一定是盲目的,所以我牺牲了我的心脏向上帝祈祷躺在我的软弱下来,我会找到你。

I can stand tall 我可以挺起胸膛

On my knees, I can see forever, on my knees, I can face it all, 在我的膝盖,我可以看到永远在我的膝盖,我能面对这一切,

I feel like I can climb a mountain cause on my knees the worlds a little smaller and I stand taller on my knees. 我觉得我可以爬到我的膝盖山事业的世界有点小,我站在我的膝盖高。

See a man in a garden long ago he went along as the weight of sins 看到一个人在花园里不久前他跟着去了的罪重

unseen and lies unknown came to rest upon his weary shoulders he 看不见的和未知的谎言来休息后,他疲惫的肩膀上,他

knew my name he took my pain so I can stand tall 知道我的名字,他把我的痛苦,所以我可以挺起胸膛

On my knees I can see forever on my knees I can face it all 在我的膝盖,我可以看到永远在我的膝盖,我可以面对这一切

I feel like I can climb a mountain cause on my knees the worlds 我觉得我能爬上一座山的原因在我的膝盖世界

a little smaller and I stand taller on my knees. 有点小,我站在我的膝盖高。

There's a piece that shadows anything I know I lay down every burden and im free 还有一块是隐藏了什么,我知道我放下包袱每一个和IM免费

I can stand tall on my knees I can see forever on my knees I can face it all 我可以挺起胸膛对我的膝盖,我可以看到永远在我的膝盖,我可以面对这一切

I feel like I can climb a mountain cause on my knees the worlds a little smaller on my knees 我觉得我能爬上一座山的原因在我的膝盖世界小了一点我的膝盖

歌词 On My Knees 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/on-my-knees-2/

歌词 On My Knees 的作者与版权信息:


Robert Mason Carlisle, Rick Elias


Designer Music, Universal Music - Careers