歌词 "On Directing" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

On Directing



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You're directing me, your eyes focus like a microscope. 你指挥我,你的眼睛像聚焦显微镜。

Get the cuts you need, eyes focus like a microscope. 获取你所需要的削减,眼睛专注如一显微镜。


Go steady with me, I know it turns you off when I - I get talking like a teen. 做我的女朋友,我知道它原来你离开时,我 - 我得到说话像一个十几岁。

I get talking like a teen. 我得到说话像一个十几岁。


You're directing me. You're dressed up I lose my grip, my focus. 你指挥我。你我失去了我的抓地力,我的重点装扮。

Make those eyes at me, I lose my grip, I lose my focus. 让这双眼睛看着我,我失去了我的抓地力,我失去了我的注意力。


Go steady with me, I know (I know) it turns you off when I - I get talking like a teen. 做我的女朋友,我知道(我知道),事实证明你离开时,我 - 我得到说话像一个十几岁。

I get talking like a teen. 我得到说话像一个十几岁。

Go steady with me, I know (I know) it turns you off when I - I get talking like a teen. 做我的女朋友,我知道(我知道),事实证明你离开时,我 - 我得到说话像一个十几岁。

I get talking like a teen. 我得到说话像一个十几岁。


(Oh, oh, hold onto me) (哦,哦,不放我)

You're directing me, your eyes focus like a microscope. 你指挥我,你的眼睛像聚焦显微镜。

(Oh, oh, hold onto me) (哦,哦,不放我)

Get the cuts you need, eyes focus like a microscope. 获取你所需要的削减,眼睛专注如一显微镜。

(Oh, oh, hold onto me) (哦,哦,不放我)

You're directing me. You're dressed up I lose my grip, my focus. 你指挥我。你我失去了我的抓地力,我的重点装扮。

(Oh, oh, hold onto me) (哦,哦,不放我)

Make those eyes at me, I lose my grip, I lose my focus. 让这双眼睛看着我,我失去了我的抓地力,我失去了我的注意力。


Go steady with me, I know (I know) it turns you off when I - I get talking like a teen. 做我的女朋友,我知道(我知道),事实证明你离开时,我 - 我得到说话像一个十几岁。

(Talking like a teen) (说话像一个十几岁)

I get talking like a teen. 我得到说话像一个十几岁。


Go steady with me, I know (I know) it turns you off when I - I get talking like a teen. 做我的女朋友,我知道(我知道),事实证明你离开时,我 - 我得到说话像一个十几岁。

(Talking like a teen) (说话像一个十几岁)

I get talking like a teen. 我得到说话像一个十几岁。


(oh, oh, hold onto me) (哦,哦,不放我)

Go steady with me, I know (I know) it turns you off when I (oh, oh, hold onto me) - I get talking like a teen. 做我的女朋友,我知道(我知道),事实证明你离开时,我(哦,哦,不放我) - 我得到说话像一个十几岁。

(Talking like a teen) (说话像一个十几岁)

I get talking like a teen. 我得到说话像一个十几岁。


Go steady with me, I know (I know) it turns you off when I (oh, oh, hold onto me)- I get talking like a teen. 做我的女朋友,我知道(我知道),事实证明你离开时,我(哦,哦,不放我) - 我得到说话像一个十几岁。

(Talking like a teen) (说话像一个十几岁)

I get talking like a teen. 我得到说话像一个十几岁。

I get talking like a teen. 我得到说话像一个十几岁。

歌词 On Directing 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/on-directing/

歌词 On Directing 的作者与版权信息:


Tegan Quin, Sara Quin


Naked In A Snowsuit Publishing