歌词 "On A Bus" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

On A Bus



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Liquor market 白酒市场

Lots of flats 很多单位

Another 24-hour chemist 另一个24小时的化学家

Self-Serve gas 自助式气

I said all these things 我说的这些东西

Serve me well 为我服务好

I said all these things 我说的这些东西

Serve me well, yeah 为我服务好,是啊


It's hypnotizing 这是催眠

It sends me to sleep 这我就发困

No one talks to anyone else 没有人会谈到别人

It's frightening 这是可怕的

Everybody's minds are blank 每个人的头脑是空白的

Oh - oh hypnotizing 哦 - 哦催眠


I'm always using you 我总是用你

When I'm out of cash 当我走了现金

I stare through this window 我是通过这个窗口盯

On a bus, moving fast 在公共汽车上,移动速度快

I said all these things 我说的这些东西

Serve me well 为我服务好

I said all these things 我说的这些东西

Serve me well - yeah 为我服务很好 - 是啊

歌词 On A Bus 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/on-a-bus/

歌词 On A Bus 的作者与版权信息:


Garry William Beers, Andrew Charles Farriss, Kirk Pengilly, Timothy William Farriss, Jon Farriss, Michael Hutchence


Browning Music, Deluxe Music Publishing, MCA Music Publishing A.D.O. Universal S