歌词 "Old Train" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Old Train



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Old train, I can hear your whistle blow and I want to be jumping on again. 老火车,我能听到你的哨子吹,我要再次跳跃。

Old train, I've been everywhere you go and I know what lies beyond each bend. 老火车,我一直在到处走,我知道什么是超越每一个弯道。

Old train, each time you pass you're older than the last, 老火车,每次你通过你年纪比最后一次,

and it seems, I'm too old for running. 而现在看来,我太老了运行。

I hear your rusty wheels grate against the rails, 我听到了你们生锈的车轮蓖兑轨,

they cry with every mile, and I think I'll stay awhile. 他们以每英里哭,我想我会留一段时间。


Old train, I grow weary at the miles and I miss the freedom that was mine. 老火车,我困倦的哩,我怀念那是我的自由。

Old train, just to think about those times, I'll smile when you're highballing by. 老火车,只需想想那些时候,当你highballing由我会微笑。

Old train, each time you pass you're older than the last, 老火车,每次你通过你年纪比最后一次,

and it seems, I'm too old for running. 而现在看来,我太老了运行。

I hear your rusty wheels grate against the rails, 我听到了你们生锈的车轮蓖兑轨,

they cry with every mile, and I think I'll stay awhile. 他们以每英里哭,我想我会留一段时间。

歌词 Old Train 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/old-train-1/