歌词 "Old England" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Old England



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

A man looks up on a yellow sky 一个人抬头一黄色的天空

And the rain turns to rust in his eye 和雨变成了他的眼睛生锈

Rumours of his health are lies 他的健康状况的传言都是谎言

Old england is dying 老英格兰快死了


His clothes are dirty shade of blue 他的衣服脏了遮阳的蓝色

And his ancient shoes worn through 而戴在他古老的鞋

He steals from me and he lies to you 他抢断成功,我和他的谎言给你

Old england is dying 老英格兰快死了


Still he sings an empires song 还是他唱的歌曲帝国

And still he keeps his beliefs strong 他仍然保持着自己的信仰强

And he sticks his flag where it ill, belongs 他坚持他的标志,在它生病了,属于

Old england is dying 老英格兰快死了


You're asking what makes me sigh now 你问是什么让我感叹,现在

What it is makes me shudder so 那是什么让我如此不寒而栗

Well 以及

I just FREEZE in the wind 我只是冻结风

And I'm numb from the pummeling of the snow 而我从雪滑跌麻木

That falls from high in yellow skies 那瀑布从高的黄色天空

Where the well loved flag of england flies 英格兰所在的爱戴标志苍蝇

Where the homes are warm and the mothers sigh 凡家是温馨的母亲叹息

Where comedians laugh and babies cry 凡喜剧演员笑和哭的婴儿

Where criminals are televised politicians fraternized 犯罪分子被电视转播的政治家fraternized

Journalists are dignified and everyone is civilised 记者是有尊严的,每个人都文明

And children stare with heroin eyes, heroin eyes, heroin eyes 和孩子瞪了眼海洛因,海洛因的眼睛,眼睛海洛因

Old England! 古老的英国!


Evening has fallen 晚上下降

The swans are singing 天鹅在唱歌

The last of Sundays bells is ringing 周日钟声的最后振铃

The wind in the trees is sighing 在树上的风叹息

And old england is dying 老英格兰是死亡

歌词 Old England 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/old-england/

歌词 Old England 的作者与版权信息:


Michael Scott


Dizzy Heights Music Publishing Ltd.