歌词 "Old Devil Moon" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Old Devil Moon



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I look at you and suddenly 我看着你,突然

Something in your eyes I see 东西在你的眼中我看见

Soon begins bewitching me 不久,开始妖我


It's that Old Devil moon 这是那老鬼月亮

That you stole from the skies 你从天空偷走

It's that Old Devil Moon in your eyes 这是那老鬼月亮在你的眼睛


You and you glance 你和你一目了然

Make this romance 让这段恋情

Too hot to handle 太热处理


Stars in the night 在夜星

Blazing their light 炽烈的光

Can't hold a candle 不能望其项背


To your razzle-dazzle 您的拉扎勒炫

You've got me flyin' high and wide 你让我飞翔“高和宽

On a magic carpet ride 在乘坐魔毯

Full of butterflies inside 里面充满蝴蝶


Wanna cry, wanna croon 想哭,想轻哼

Wanna laugh like a loon 想笑的像龙

It's that Old Devil Moon in your eyes 这是那老鬼月亮在你的眼睛


Just when I think, I'm free as a dove 正当我想,我自由了,就像一只鸽子

Old Devil Moon 老鬼月亮

Deep in your eyes 深藏在你的眼睛

Blinds me with love 瞎了我的爱


To your razzle-dazzle 您的拉扎勒炫

You've got me flyin' high and wide 你让我飞翔“高和宽

On a magic carpet ride 在乘坐魔毯

Full of butterflies inside 里面充满蝴蝶


Wanna cry, wanna croon 想哭,想轻哼

Wanna laugh like a loon 想笑的像龙

It's that Old Devil Moon in your eyes 这是那老鬼月亮在你的眼睛


Just when I think, I'm free as a dove 正当我想,我自由了,就像一只鸽子

Old Devil Moon 老鬼月亮

Deep in your eyes 深藏在你的眼睛

Blinds me with love 瞎了我的爱

Oh, blind me with love 呵呵,瞎了我的爱

歌词 Old Devil Moon 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/old-devil-moon/

歌词 Old Devil Moon 的作者与版权信息:


E. Y. Harburg, Burton Lane


Chappell & Co. Inc., Next Decade Entertainment Inc. O.B.O. Glocca Morra Music