歌词 "Ocean" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

If the wind could bring the rain 如果风会带来雨

I would save it all for you 我会保存它都为你

Make an ocean to sail away and begin again 使海洋远航重新开始

They said I could never change 他们说,我从来没有改变

That I can't belong to you 我不能属于你

Than I watched you slip away in the oceans arms 不是我看着你在海洋怀抱溜走


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

I'll never get you back. 我永远不会让你回来。

It's like fallin down a wave, 这就像坠落下来一挥手,

Fallin down a wave 坠落下来波


If a star could light the way 如果一个明星能点燃方式

That could take me back to you 这可能会带我回到你身边

And the rain could wash away 和雨能洗去

Everything I've done 我所做的一切

Only melody remains 只有旋律遗体

So I sing my song to you 所以,我唱我的歌给你

As I watched you slip away in the oceans arms 当我看到你在海洋怀抱溜走


[Chorus x7] [合唱X7 ]


I will never get you back [x4] 我永远不会让你回来[ X4 ]

歌词 Ocean 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/ocean-4/

歌词 Ocean 的作者与版权信息:


Ronald Ward Jr, Samuel Mc Candless, Samantha Joyce Cole, Samuel Watters, Jeremy D. Marshall


Emi Blackwood Music Inc., Samantha Cole Music, Into Everything Music, Emi April Music Inc., Breakthrough Creations, WB Music Corp.