歌词 "O, Do Not Forsake Me" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

O, Do Not Forsake Me



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

O, do not forsake me, my indolent friends O,不要离弃我,我懒惰的朋友

O, do not forsake me though you know I must spend O,不要抛弃我,虽然你知道我必须花

All my darkest hours talking like this 我所有的黑暗时光像这样说话

For I am one thousand years old 因为我是千年老


One thousand years old 一千岁

Sure, you think that's old 当然,你认为这是老

One thousand years old 一千岁

But what do you know? 但是你知道吗?

In my darkest hour I'm talking like this 在我最黑暗的时刻,我说话是这样

For I am one thousand years old 因为我是千年老


Oh, some have forgotten the flower of speech 呵呵,有些已经忘记了言语上的花

And walks through the garden where I go to defend 并通过花园,在那里我去散步辩护

Misbegotten notions while talking like this 一边说着这样的拙劣概念

For I am one thousand years old 因为我是千年老


One thousand years old 一千岁

Sure, I'd say that's old 当然,我得说这是老

One thousand years old 一千岁

But what do I know? 但我知道什么?

In your darkest hour, my indolent friends 在你最黑暗的时刻,我的懒惰的朋友

We'll be one thousand years old 我们将千年老

歌词 O, Do Not Forsake Me 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/o-do-not-forsake-me/

歌词 O, Do Not Forsake Me 的作者与版权信息:


John Flansburgh, John Linnell


T M B G Music