歌词 "Nothing Really Matters" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Nothing Really Matters



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

When I was very young 当我很小的时候

Nothing really mattered to me 真的没什么要紧我

But making myself happy 不过让自己快乐

I was the only one 我是唯一一个


Now that I am grown 现在,我长大

Everything's changed 一切都改变了

I'll never be the same 我永远也不会是相同的

Because of you 因为有你


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]


Nothing really matters 没有什么真正的问题

Love is all we need 爱是我们所需要的

Everything I give you 一切我给你

All comes back to me 一切又回到了我


Looking at my life 看着我的生活

It's very clear to me 这是非常清楚,我

I lived so selfishly 我住这么自私

I was the only one 我是唯一一个


I realize 我知道

That nobody wins 没有人赢

Something is ending 事情已到尽头

And something begins 有什么东西开始


[chorus, repeat] [合唱,重复]


Nothing takes the past away 没有把过去走

Like the future 像未来

Nothing makes the darkness go 不得使在黑暗中走

Like the light 像光


You're shelter from the storm 你挡风遮雨

Give me comfort in your arms 给我安慰在你的怀里


[chorus, repeat and fade] [合唱,重复及褪色]

歌词 Nothing Really Matters 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/nothing-really-matters-3/

歌词 Nothing Really Matters 的作者与版权信息:


Madonna Ciccone, Patrick Leonard, Madonna


Webo Girl Music, Webo Girl Publishing Inc., Lemonjello Music, Emi April Music Inc., WB Music Corp., No Tomato Music