歌词 "Nothing Matters" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Nothing Matters



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Back and forth 来回

I have come to this, so listen 我是来这一点,所以听

If you are interested in it 如果你有兴趣的话

I hope not too busy to miss 我希望不是太忙错过

And this epiphany I just had 而这种顿悟我刚


And I know it's not too sexy 我知道这是不是太性感

That I'm singing about the blessings we get 那我唱,我们得到的祝福

When we give up ourselves for something good 当我们放弃自己的好东西

It would be bigger than a promotion, motion-motion 这将是大于晋升,运动运动


Because nothing matters 因为没有什么要紧

Just tell yourself 只是告诉自己

Again and again and again 再,再而三

Nothing matters 没什么事

But what we offer in love 但我们提供的恋爱


And just today my boss came in 而就在今天我的老板走了进来

And said no way, no way 并说没办法,没办法

We don't have money money money 我们没有钱生钱的钱

I got so mad, walked out the studio 我有这么疯狂,走出摄影棚

And there was a man quiet and hungry 而有一个人安静和饥饿

Down and out 穷困潦倒

True story, yeah uh-huh 真实的故事,是啊嗯


Nothing matters 没什么事

Pride will shatter 傲慢会砸掉

Our words will never be enough 我们的话将永远是不够的

Cause nothing matters 造成什么问题

So I'll surrender to you 所以,我会臣服于你


And oh how the war wages on 呵呵如何在战争上的工资

The battle of my heart 我的心脏之战

The face of truth is what I want 真理的脸是我想要的

And all that I've discovered is that 和所有我发现的是,


Nothing matters 没什么事

Just tell yourself 只是告诉自己

Again and again and again 再,再而三

That nothing matters 没有什么要紧


Nothing matters 没什么事

Pride will shatter 傲慢会砸掉

Our words will never be enough 我们的话将永远是不够的

Cause nothing matters 造成什么问题

But love 但爱


The things that chase 的事情,追

That status i crave 这状态我渴望

Its nothing, its nothing 其分毫,其分毫

The investment, the bankers 该投资银行家

Think about it 想想吧

歌词 Nothing Matters 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/nothing-matters-2/