歌词 "Nothing Knocks Me Over" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Nothing Knocks Me Over



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I dreamt the cliffs and ride the waves 我梦见了悬崖破浪

And no one comes to save me 也没有人来拯救我

My arms are sprawled against the tide 我的胳膊趴逆潮流而动

Nothing knocks me over 没有敲我过来

Nothing knocks me over 没有敲我过来

Nothing knocks me over 没有敲我过来

From the fire into the frying pan 离火放入煎锅

I jump because I can 我跳,因为我可以


I choose to gamble with my life 我选择赌我的生活

Twice the risk, four times the prize 两次的风险,奖品四倍

Nothing knocks me over 没有敲我过来

Nothing knocks me over 没有敲我过来

Nothing knocks me over 没有敲我过来

歌词 Nothing Knocks Me Over 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/nothing-knocks-me-over/