歌词 "Nothin' New" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Nothin' New



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Why is nothing ever new for long 为何迟迟没有新的长

And things go wrong in time 并不如意的事情的时候

How come love is never new for long 为什么爱是永远的新长

We feel a change inside 我们觉得里面的变化

Things no longer feel the way they did 事情不再感到他们做的方式

People never care the way they did 人们从来不关心他们的方式

Lovers never love the way they did 情人永远爱他们的方式

We've got to make it last 我们必须让它过去

Got to fan the spark 有风扇的火花


People know that love is often cruel 人们都知道,爱情往往是残酷的

But still they fall in love 但是他们仍然相爱

I believe that only goes to prove 我相信只有去证明

That love's what we dream of 爱情是什么,我们的梦想


Even if things can never be the way they were 即使事情永远是这样,他们

But if you just hold on your luck might take a turn 但如果你只是保持你的运气会转一转

We should put in practice 我们应该把在实践中

What we've learned 我们已经知道

That love's the only way 爱情是唯一的方法

We've got to make it stay 我们必须让它留


Life goes on 生活仍在继续

Nothing's ever new 什么是有史以来新

Maybe different that before 也许不同之处在于前

You may not believe me 你可能不相信我

But nothing's ever, nothing's ever new 但没有什么是永远,没有什么是有史以来新

Life goes on, no matter what you do 生活在继续,无论你做什么

And though it's crazy nothing's ever 虽然它的疯狂没有什么是永远

Nothing's ever new 什么是有史以来新

You may not believe me but it's true 你可能不相信我,但是这是真的

But nothing's ever new 但没有什么是有史以来新


Even if things can never be the way they were 即使事情永远是这样,他们

But if you just hold on your luck might take a turn 但如果你只是保持你的运气会转一转

We should put in practice 我们应该把在实践中

What we've learned 我们已经知道

That love's the only way 爱情是唯一的方法

We've got to make it stay 我们必须让它留


Life goes on 生活仍在继续

Nothing's ever new 什么是有史以来新

Maybe different that before 也许不同之处在于前

You may not believe me 你可能不相信我

But nothing's ever, nothing's ever new 但没有什么是永远,没有什么是有史以来新

Life goes on, no matter what you do 生活在继续,无论你做什么

And though it's crazy nothing's ever 虽然它的疯狂没有什么是永远

Nothing's ever new 什么是有史以来新

You may not believe me but it's true 你可能不相信我,但是这是真的

But nothing's ever new 但没有什么是有史以来新

歌词 Nothin' New 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/nothin_-new/