歌词 "Not Long Now" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Not Long Now



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Is threaten me 是威胁我

'Cause I don't know who really 因为我不知道是谁真的

Different that you probably 不同之处在于,你可能

Is threaten me 是威胁我

'Cause I don't know who really 因为我不知道是谁真的

Different that you probably 不同之处在于,你可能

Is threaten me 是威胁我

'Cause I don't know who really 因为我不知道是谁真的

Different that you probably 不同之处在于,你可能


That you problem me 你的问题我

But it's blue that I'm free to go go 但它是蓝色的,我很自由地去走

Places you couldn't stay alone 地方,你不能仅仅停留

Your energy in song 你的歌能源


There's a road to love 有一条路来爱

A cause 原因

There's a rod to love 有一个棒的爱

And love cost 和爱情成本

And love cost 和爱情成本

There's a road to love 有一条路来爱

And love cost 和爱情成本


'Cause I don't know who really 因为我不知道是谁真的

I'm alone because, I'm alone because 我独自一人,因为我是孤独的,因为

I don't know who really your problems 我不知道谁是真正的问题

I'm alone because the road to love 我很孤独,因为路上的爱


Alone because 因为孤独

Alone because 因为孤独

A road to love 一道道爱

Alone because 因为孤独

Alone because 因为孤独

There's a road to love 有一条路来爱

歌词 Not Long Now 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/not-long-now/

歌词 Not Long Now 的作者与版权信息:


James Blake Litherland


Buzzard And Kestrel Ltd.