歌词 "Nocturne" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Did I have a dream? 难道我有一个梦想?

Or did the dream have me? 还是没梦想有我吗?


Set off on a night-sea journey 在一个晚上,海之旅启程

Without memory or desire 没有记忆或愿望

Drifting through lost latitudes 通过失去纬度漂移

With no compass and no chart 由于没有罗盘,没有图


Flying through hallucination 通过幻觉飞行

Distant voices, signal fires 遥远的声音,信号火灾

Lighting up my unconscious 照亮了我的潜意识

And the secret places of the heart 和心脏的秘密场所


Dream - temporary madness 梦 - 暂时的疯狂

Dream - a voice in the wilderness 梦 - 一个声音在旷野

Dream - unconscious revelations 梦 - 无意识的启示

The morning says, the answer is yes 上午说,答案是肯定的


Floating through a darkened mirror 通过一个黑暗的镜子浮动

Deep reflections in disguise 深层思考的化身

Soaring through lost altitudes 通过高度损失飙升

Without wonder, without fear 如果没有奇迹,没有恐惧


Symbols on a field of visions 对愿景的区域符号

Behind the curtain of sleeping eyes 睡觉的眼睛幕后

On the instant of waking 在醒来的瞬间

Another world of dreams appears 梦的另一个世界出现


Dream - temporary madness 梦 - 暂时的疯狂

Dream - a walk in the wilderness 梦 - 在荒野散步

Dream - unconscious recreation 梦 - 无意识娱乐

The morning says the answer is yes 上午说,答案是肯定的

歌词 Nocturne 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/nocturne-2/

歌词 Nocturne 的作者与版权信息:


Geddy Lee, Neil Peart, Alex Lifeson, Billy Joel


Impulsive Music, Core Music Publishing