歌词 "Nobody's Off The Hook" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Nobody's Off The Hook



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Haven't fallen down in a while 有没有在一段时间倒下

Sitting here walking the line 坐在这里走线

Well that's ok, I ain't no book 嗯,这没关系,我是不是没有书

'Cause nobody's off the hook 因为没有人打爆


See you looking so sad 看到你这么难过

Trying to live your life in style 想住你的生活风格

Well that's ok, you ain't no crook 嗯,这没关系,你是不是没有骗子

'Cause nobody's off the hook 因为没有人打爆


I remember you when, looking like a teenager 我记得你的时候,看上去就像一个十几岁

How you have become a man with all the power 你是如何成为一个男人的所有权力

Running the moon aground 运行月亮搁浅

Who would ever have thought, hanging with a homo and hairdresser 谁也不会想到,挂了HOMO和理发师

You would become the one desired in every woman's heart 你会成为一个有用的每一个女人的心脏

But you never will lose, your heart with those little boys 但你永远不会失去,你的心脏与那些小男生


Haven't fallen down in a while, sitting here walking the line 没有倒下的同时,坐在这里走线

Well that's ok, 'cause I have looked 嗯,这没关系,因为我已经看过

And nobody's off the hook 没有人是被打爆


'Cause life will take that little heart, and bring you to your knees 因为生活将采取小心脏,并带你到你的膝盖

Threatening to break it for the final time 扬言要打破它的最后时间

And you'll believe it, yes, you will believe it 而你会相信,是的,你会相信它

But look, nobody's off the hook 但是你看,没有人打爆

歌词 Nobody's Off The Hook 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/nobody_s-off-the-hook/

歌词 Nobody's Off The Hook 的作者与版权信息:


Rufus Wainwright


Put Tit On Music, WB Music Corp.