歌词 "Nobody's Hero" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Nobody's Hero



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I think it time we talk this over 我想这一次,我们谈谈吧

I think you've taking it to far 我想你已经把它远

I never wanted to be different 我从来没有想成为不同

I didn't have to be nobody's star 我没有要任何人的明星

Try to take control of it 'cause what you see is what you get. 尽量采取控制它因为你所看到的就是你得到的。

Try to take control of it on me. 尽量采取控制它在我身上。


You say there's talk of revolution 你说有谈革命

(So what's new now?) (那么什么是新的呢? )

You say there's fighting in the air. 你说有一个在空中战斗。

You think that I got disillusion 你认为我有幻灭

But do you really think that's fair. 但你真的认为这是公平的。


Try to take control of it 'cause 试图利用它控制的原因

What you see is what you get. 你所看到的就是你得到的。

Try to take control of it on me. 尽量采取控制它在我身上。

Well all right now 好了现在好了


Don't want to be nobody's hero 不想成为任何人的英雄

Don't want to be nobody's star 不想成为任何人的明星

Don't want to be nobody's hero 不想成为任何人的英雄

Get up get up be what you are. 起床起床是你是什么。


Your think it time you took me over 你认为这一次你带我过

Do what you can do yourself 做你可以做你自己

But don't let hero get your kicks for you 但是,不要让英雄得到你踢你

It's up to you and no one else. 这是给你并没有其他人。


Try to take control of it 'cause 试图利用它控制的原因

What you see is what you get. 你所看到的就是你得到的。

Try to take control of it and you'll see 尽量采取控制它,你会看到


I don't want to be nobody's hero 我不想成为任何人的英雄

Don't want to be nobody's star 不想成为任何人的明星

Don't want to be nobody's hero 不想成为任何人的英雄

Get up get up be what you are. 起床起床是你是什么。


You think your nobody 你认为你的人

And I have all the fun 我拥有所有的乐趣

But no one's a nobody 但没有人是一个人

Everyone is someone 每个人都是一个人


Don't want to be nobody's hero 不想成为任何人的英雄

I don't want to be nobody's star 我不想成为任何人的明星

I don't want to be nobody's hero 我不想成为任何人的英雄

Get up get up be what you are. 起床起床是你是什么。


Be what you are [x18] 是你的[ X18 ]

歌词 Nobody's Hero 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/nobody_s-hero-3/

歌词 Nobody's Hero 的作者与版权信息:


Jake Burns, Gordon Archer Ogilvie


Complete Music Ltd.