歌词 "No Seatbelt Song" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

No Seatbelt Song


歌词相关歌手:BRAND NEW

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

So, it's sad this doesn't suit you now. 所以,这是可悲的,这并不适合现在你。

And me fresh out of rope... 而我刚从绳...

Please ignore this lisp, I never meant to sound like this. 请忽略此口齿不清,我从未想过要听起来像这样。

So take me and break me and make me strong like you. 所以带我,打破我,让我坚强喜欢你。

I'll be forever grateful to this and you. 我将永远感谢这个和你。

It's only you, beautiful. 这只是你的,美丽的。

Or I don't want anyone. 或者,我不希望任何人。

If I can choose it's only you. 如果我可以选择,这只是你的。

Fix me to a chain around your neck and wear me like a nickel. 修复我在你脖子上的链条磨损我像镍。

Even new wine served in old skins cheapens the taste. 即使在旧皮服新酒贬低的味道。

I shot the pilot, now I'm begging you to fly this for me. 我拍了试点,现在我求你飞这对我来说。

I'm here for you to use, broken and bruised. 我在这里为你使用,破碎,伤痕累累。

Do you understand? 你明白吗?

It's only you, beautiful. 这只是你的,美丽的。

Or don't want anyone. 还是不希望任何人。

If I can choose, it's only you. 如果我可以选择,这是只有你。

But how could I miscalculate... perfect eyes will have perfect aim. 但是,我怎么能算错......完美的眼睛就会有完美的目标。

If I can choose, it's only you. 如果我可以选择,这是只有你。

“We're wrecking” and I'm dry like a drum...when you scream “我们正在破坏” ,我干的像鼓...当你尖叫

so fine I'll leave... we're spent... we've got time and trials... 所以罚款我会离开......我们花了......我们有时间和考验......

measured in miles... we slave for days (and weeks). 在距离来确定......我们的奴隶天(或数周) 。

It's only you, beautiful. 这只是你的,美丽的。

Or I don't want anyone. 或者,我不希望任何人。

If I can choose. It's only you. 如果我可以选择。这只是你。

But how could I miscalculate... perfect lies from a perfect dame. 但是,我怎么能算错......从一个完美的贵妇人完美的谎言。

If I can choose... it's only you. 如果我可以选择......这是只有你。

歌词 No Seatbelt Song 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/no-seatbelt-song/

歌词 No Seatbelt Song 的作者与版权信息:


Jesse Lacey, Brian Lane


All Night Chemist Music, Nah Brah Music, Universal Music - Z Melodies