歌词 "No One Is To Blame" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

No One Is To Blame



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You can look at the menu but you just can't eat 你可以看一下菜单,但你就是不能吃

You can feel the cushions but you can't have a seat 你可以感受到垫子,但你不能有座位

You can dip your foot in the pool but you can't have a swim 您可以浸脚池中,但你不能去游泳

You can feel the punishment but you can't commit the sin 你能感觉到的处罚,但你不能犯的罪

And you want her and she wants you 而你要她,她要你

We want everyone 我们希望每个人都

And you want her and she wants you 而你要她,她要你

No one, no one, no one ever is to blame 没有人,没有人,没有人惹的祸

You can build a mansion but you just can't live in it 你可以建立一个豪宅,但是你就不能住进去

You're the fastest runner but you're not allowed to win 你是跑得最快的人,但你不能赢

Some break the rules 有人打破规则

And live to count the cost 和现场计较代价

The insecurity is the thing that won't get lost 不安全的事情,也不会迷路

And you want her and she wants you 而你要她,她要你

We want everyone 我们希望每个人都

And you want her and she wants you 而你要她,她要你

No one, no one, no one ever is to blame 没有人,没有人,没有人惹的祸

You can see the summit but you can't reach it 你可以看到本次峰会,但你不能达到目标

It's the last piece of the puzzle but you just can't make it fit 这是最后一块拼图,但你不能让它适应

Doctor says you're cured but you still feel the pain 医生说你治好,但你仍然感觉到疼痛

Aspirations in the clouds but your hopes go down the drain 愿望在云端,但你的希望付诸东流

And you want her and she wants you 而你要她,她要你

We want everyone 我们希望每个人都

And you want her and she wants you 而你要她,她要你

No one, no one, no one ever is to blame 没有人,没有人,没有人惹的祸

No one ever is to blame 没有人惹的祸

No one ever is to blame 没有人惹的祸

歌词 No One Is To Blame 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/no-one-is-to-blame-1/