歌词 "No One Here" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

No One Here


歌词相关歌手:88, THE

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Throw away the paper 扔掉的纸

And throw away the mail 扔掉的邮件

Be bad if you wanna 是坏的,如果你想

Be prepared to feel 准备好感受

And all the expectations 和所有的期望

I will never meet 我永远都不会满足

Take you to the point 带你去点

Of never believing 从来不相信

And you're tired of me 而你讨厌我

My love 我的爱

But there's no one here who loves you like I do 但是这里没有一个谁爱你像我这样做

Thank god this much is true 感谢上帝,这多少是真的

Thank god this much is true 感谢上帝,这多少是真的

And there's no one here who knows just how I feel 而且也没有人在这里谁知道我的感受

Thank god this much is real 感谢上帝,这多少是真实的

Thank god this much is real 感谢上帝,这多少是真实的

And broken down 和分解

So put it all behind you 所以就把这一切在你身后

Where you cannot see 在这里你看不到

And if you're growing older 如果你正在变老

Don't forget me 不要忘了我

Cause I will disappoint you 因为我会令你失望

Just because I can 只是因为我可以

And I will bring you back 我会带给你回来

To all that you say when you wanna call me friend 所有的,当你想打电话给我的朋友你说

And every time I show you 每一次我告诉你

How this is gonna end 这是怎么会结束

My love 我的爱

But there's no one here who loves you like I do 但是这里没有一个谁爱你像我这样做

Thank god this much is true 感谢上帝,这多少是真的

Thank god this much is true 感谢上帝,这多少是真的

And there's no one here who knows just how I feel 而且也没有人在这里谁知道我的感受

Thank god this much is real 感谢上帝,这多少是真实的

Thank god this much is real 感谢上帝,这多少是真实的

And broken down 和分解

Cry if you wanna 如果你想哭泣

Tear down the walls 推倒围墙

But there's no one here who love you 但有没有人在这里爱你谁

Or who come each time you call 或者谁进来每次通话时间

So throw away the paper 所以扔掉纸

And throw away the mail 扔掉的邮件

Be bad if you wanna 是坏的,如果你想

But be prepared to feel 但要准备感受

But there's no one here who loves you like I do 但是这里没有一个谁爱你像我这样做

Thank god this much is true 感谢上帝,这多少是真的

Thank god this much is true 感谢上帝,这多少是真的

And there's no one here who knows just how I feel 而且也没有人在这里谁知道我的感受

Thank god this much is real 感谢上帝,这多少是真实的

Thank god this much is real 感谢上帝,这多少是真实的

And broken down 和分解

歌词 No One Here 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/no-one-here/