歌词 "No Condition" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

No Condition


歌词相关歌手:BLIGE, MARY J

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Heyyyyyyyyy Heyyyyyyyyy

Woahhhhhhhh Woahhhhhhhh

Heyyyyyyyyy Heyyyyyyyyy

Woahhhhhhhh Woahhhhhhhh


[Verse 1:] [诗歌1 : ]

Can't even hide it, it's writen on my face 甚至无法隐藏它,它writen在我的脸上

And I don't have any more time or energy to waste 我没有更多的时间和精力浪费

So I'm waving my white flag 所以我挥舞着我的白旗

Sad it has to be like that 可悲的它必须是这样的

It ain't working out baby in another life or space 它不工作了宝宝在另一个生命或空间


[Hook:] [钩: ]

Oh I 哦,我

Baby, I gave you 宝贝,我给你

Ohhhhhh Ohhhhhh

Everything that I could give you 一切,我可以给你

Sooo I made my decision SOOO ,我决定

Loving you's been a mission 爱你的是一个使命


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

Nowwww I'm in no condition Nowwww我在没有条件

To love you (No more) 爱你(无更多)

Nowwww I'm in no condition (ummm) Nowwww我在没有任何条件(嗯)

Heyyyyyyyyy Heyyyyyyyyy

Woahhhhhhhh Woahhhhhhhh

Heyyyyyyyyy (Said I'm waving my white flag) Heyyyyyyyyy (说我挥舞着我的白色标志)

Woahhhhhhhh (Sad it has to be like that) Woahhhhhhhh (SAD它必须是这样的)


[Verse 2:] [诗2: ]

Barely any happy days, we always seem to have drama (Too much Drama) 几乎没有任何幸福的日子,我们似乎总是有戏剧(太戏剧)

And it's really weighing heavy on me baby 它真的对我的宝宝体重重

Both of us acting crazy 我们两个疯狂的行动

I hate it when we fight 我恨它,当我们打

Middle of the night 半夜

Always seems to remind me 似乎总是提醒我

Love, how much it hurts 爱情,多少伤害

To know it's getting worse 要知道这是越来越差

My faith in us is slowly dying 我对我们的信心正在慢慢死去


[Hook] [钩]


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

Nowwww I'm in no condition Nowwww我在没有条件

To love you (No more) 爱你(无更多)

I'm in no condition 我在没有条件

Heyyyyyyyyy (Hey) Heyyyyyyyyy (嘿嘿)

Woahhhhhhhh Woahhhhhhhh

Heyyyyyyyyy Heyyyyyyyyy

Woahhhhhhhh Woahhhhhhhh


Heyyyyyyyyy (I'm in no condition to love) Heyyyyyyyyy (我在没有条件的爱)

Woahhhhhhhh (I'm in no condition to love) Woahhhhhhhh (我在没有条件的爱)

Heyyyyyyyyy (I'm in no condition to love) Heyyyyyyyyy (我在没有条件的爱)

Woahhhhhhhh (No Condition!) Woahhhhhhhh (没有条件! )

Damn 该死

How did you go from being my best friend to me barely even wanting your affection? 你是怎么被我最好的朋友去我几乎连想你的感情?

I never would've thought (Hey) 我永远不会想过(喂)

That I would be so unhappy 我会这么不高兴

Ohhhhhh oh Ohhhhhh哦

Hold me down (Hey) 抓住我(嘿嘿)

Hold me Down (Oh) 抓住我(呵呵)

Yeah you Hold me Down 是的,你抓住我

Even though it's sad to say it's over now 即使它伤心地说,它结束了

I can't love you under these conditions! 我不能爱你这样的条件下!


[Hook] [钩]


So I made my decision 所以,我决定

Loving you's been a mission 爱你的是一个使命


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

Nowwwwwwww I'm in no condition Nowwwwwwww我在没有条件

To love you (No More) 爱你(没有更多)

I'm in no condition 我在没有条件

Heyyyyyyyyy (I'm in no condition to love, no) Heyyyyyyyyy (我在没有条件的爱,无)

Woahhhhhhhh (I'm in no condition to love, no) Woahhhhhhhh (我在没有条件的爱,无)

Heyyyyyyyyy (I'm in no condition to love you) Heyyyyyyyyy (我在没有条件的爱你)

Woahhhhhhhh (I'm in no condition to love, no) Woahhhhhhhh (我在没有条件的爱,无)

Heyyyyyyyyy (I'm in no condition to love, no) Heyyyyyyyyy (我在没有条件的爱,无)

Woahhhhhhhh (I'm in no condition to love, no) Woahhhhhhhh (我在没有条件的爱,无)

Heyyyyyyyyy ('m in no condition to love, you) Heyyyyyyyyy ( M在没有条件的爱,你)

Woahhhhhhhh (I'm in no condition to love, no) Woahhhhhhhh (我在没有条件的爱,无)

I'm in no condition to love (No Condition baby!) 我在没有条件的爱(没有条件的孩子! )

I'm in no condition to love, no 我在没有条件的爱,没有

I'm in no condition to love you (Heyyyyyyyyy) 我在没有条件的爱你( Heyyyyyyyyy )

Nooooooo Nooooooo

歌词 No Condition 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/no-condition/

歌词 No Condition 的作者与版权信息:


Mary J. Blige, Kevin Cossom, Floyd Nathaniel Hills


Danjahandz Muzik, Mary J. Blige Music, Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp., Universal Music Corp., Yrp Music Publishing