歌词 "Nirvana" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Love is in the stars - love's heaven sent 爱是星星 - 爱的天赐

Brush your lips and mine - taste my good intent 刷你的嘴唇和我的 - 我的味道善意

Lay it on real close, inside my crazy arms 依靠着它真正的接近,在我的怀里疯狂

Come on feel your Daddy's love, I won't do you no harm 来吧感觉到你爸爸的爱,我不会做你任何伤害


How you feel inside - you are the enchanter 你内心的感受 - 你是附魔师

Take me on through the night - fantasy in the desert 带我彻夜 - 沙漠中的梦幻


Calm my raging fire - meld my love control 我平静熊熊烈火 - 融合我的爱控制

Coax me with your showers of love - feel my body roll 哄我,你爱的阵雨 - 觉得我的身体侧倾


How you feel inside [etc repeated] 你内心的感受[ETC重复]


Love will seize the mind - its power at your command 爱将抓住心灵 - 它的力量在你的命令

Prisoner in your arms of love - captive in your hands 囚犯在你爱的怀抱 - 圈养在你的手中


How you feel inside [etc repeated] 你内心的感受[ETC重复]


Oh Nirvana 哦涅槃

I love you, love you, love you, love you 我爱你,爱你,爱你,爱你


How you feel inside [etc repeated] 你内心的感受[ETC重复]


Oh Nirvana 哦涅槃

I love you, love you, love you, love you 我爱你,爱你,爱你,爱你


Holy Moses - mi amigo 神圣的摩西 - MI阿米戈

Mystic biscuit - mind your lingo 神秘的饼干 - 介意你的行话

Walk in circles - stand by truth 走在圈子 - 站在真理

Watch out boys - she's after you 当心男孩 - 她的后

She's after you - she's gonna get you 她之后你 - 她会帮你

Here she comes - watch out! 她来了 - 小心!

歌词 Nirvana 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/nirvana-2/