歌词 "Niggerhatin' Me" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Niggerhatin' Me

Niggerhatin “我


English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I like sugar, and I like tea 我喜欢糖,我喜欢喝茶

But I don't like niggers 但我不喜欢黑鬼

No Siree 没有Siree

Theres two long things 那里有两条长长的东西

that will make me puke 这将让我吐

thats a hog eatin slop 这就是一头猪eatin污

and a big black spook 和大黑幽灵


you know it cause I show it 你知道,因为我表现出来

like a barn yard rooster I crow it 像谷仓院子里的公鸡打鸣í它

And the NAACP 和有色人种协进会

would sure like to get a hold of niggerhatin' me 就一定要得到保持niggerhatin的“我


Roses are red, 玫瑰是红色的,

and Violets are blue, 和紫罗兰是蓝色的,

and niggers are black 和黑奴是黑色的

you know thats true 你知道这就是真实的

they don't mind 他们不介意

cause what the heck 造成什么赫克

you gotta be black to get a welfare check 你得黑得到的福利支票

and I'm broke no joke 而我打破了可不是闹着玩的

I ain't gotta nickel for a coke 我是不是得镍的焦

and I ain't black you see 我不黑你看

so Uncle Sam won't help poor Niggerhatin' me 所以山姆大叔不会帮Niggerhatin可怜我


Jiggaboo Jiggaboo where are you Jiggaboo Jiggaboo你在哪里

Out here in the woodpile watching you 在这里,在柴堆看着你

Jiggaboo Jiggaboo come out Jiggaboo Jiggaboo出来

no sir I scard of the White man way down south 对白人的方式不,先生í SCARD南下

you know it cause I show it 你知道,因为我表现出来

stick your black head out and I'll blow it 坚持你的黑头出来,我会吹

and The NAACP can't keep you away from little ol niggerhatin' me 而在全国有色人种协进不能让你远离小OL niggerhatin “我


Mirror Mirror 镜子镜子

on the wall 在墙壁上

who is the blackest of them all 谁是最黑暗的他们全部

a man named King it ain't no dought 一个名叫王这人是不是没有dought

he's causin' lots of trouble with his Baboon mouth 他causin “造成许多麻烦与他的嘴里狒狒

Through it hes a doin' its caused by the trouble hes a brewin' 通过它HES à上来的其造成的麻烦HES à蒲鲁贤“

And the NAACP can't win if the white man stick with Niggerhatin' me 和全国有色人种协进不能赢,如果白人坚持Niggerhatin “我


Hey mister president what do you say 嘿,总统先生你怎么说

when are we whites gonna have our day 当我们是白人要去有一天我们

niggers had theirs such a long long time 黑奴有他们这么长的很长一段时间

I'm white and its time that I have mine 我很白,它的时间,我有我

you know it and I show it stick your black head out and I'll blow it 你知道,我拿给你贴黑头出来,我会吹

and the NAACP can't win if the white man stick with Niggerhatin' me 和全国有色人种协进赢不了,如果白人坚持Niggerhatin “我

歌词 Niggerhatin' Me 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/niggerhatin_-me/

歌词 Niggerhatin' Me 所在专辑及曲目:
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Flex 36