歌词 "Next (Interlude)" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Next (Interlude)



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

See it's not that you ain't fine 见这并不是说你不精

It's just that I ain't interested 这只是我不感兴趣

Yep you guessed it I'm the result of a love that never lasted cause lust was always present. I was hoping by the way I dressed and ignored your previous attempts that it would be evident that sweet talk leaves a sour taste in my mouth and there's no substance behind the shallowness of your arrogance. 是的,你猜对了我是一个爱的结果,从来没有持续引起欲望是永远存在。我希望通过我穿上衣服,并忽略了你以前的尝试是甜言蜜语留下酸味在嘴里,有你的傲慢浅薄的背后没有任何实质内容,这将是显而易见的方式。


Yo-Coach gives me the impression that you think I would find it a privilege that you extended a compliment my way. All I can say is your affirmations or confirmation's not revelations that I'm the one to be pursued--brother I thought you knew. 呦,教练给了我,你以为我会觉得你延长恭维我的方式特权的印象。我能说的就是你的肯定或确认并不是说我是一个要追求的启示 - 兄弟,我还以为你知道。


Yeah you're fine but good looks and tight gear won't get my time nearly as fast as a man who's got enough insight to see beyond my Coke-bottle figure and enough vision to make me believe without “priority's” not a bed buddy but a soulmate. 是的,你很不错,但良好的外观和严格的齿轮不会得到我的时间几乎一样快,谁拥有足够的洞察力看到超出了我的可乐瓶身材和足够的视野,让我相信没有“优先的”不是一个床上哥们一个人但心心相印。


Time's a tickin I have no more to waste on little boys or Usher-like confessions. But that Mac-daddy garbage you just recited you're my carnal curse not a spiritual blessing. Fine men before your time taught me this lesson and now I'm the one teaching you how to treat me and those young girls who are following unknown that a fine man makes them no less beautiful or deserving of 时间是一个tickin我没有更多的浪费在小男孩或迎来类似的供述。但是, Mac的爸爸垃圾你只是背诵你是我的肉体祸不是属灵的福气。你的时间之前,精细的人教我这个教训,现在我谁是下未知的,一个优秀的男人,使他们不那么漂亮还是值得一教你如何对待我,这些年轻女孩


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God's best 上帝的最好

No less 毫不逊色


I'm sorry about this for sounding rude 我很抱歉这对听起来粗鲁

Next 下一页

歌词 Next (Interlude) 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/next-interlude/