歌词 "Never Is A Promise" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Never Is A Promise



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You'll never see 你永远不会看到

The courage I know 我知道的勇气

Its colors' richness won't 它的颜色丰富性不会

Appear within your view 在视图显示

I'll never glow 我永远也不会发光

The way that you glow 你焕发的方式

Your presence dominates 你的存在占主导地位

The judgements made on you 就你的判断

But as the scenery grows 但是,随着生长的风景

I see in different lights 我不同的灯光看

The shades and shadows 在色调和阴影

Undulate in my perception 波动在我的看法

My feelings swell and stretch 我的感觉膨胀和拉伸

I see from greater heights 我是从更高的高度看

I understand what I am still 我明白我仍然

Too proud to mention 太自豪地提

To you 给你


You'll say you understand 你会说你明白

But you don't understand 但你不知道

You'll say you'd never 你会说你永远不会

Give up seeing eye to eye 放弃了看眼对眼

But never is a promise 但绝不是一种承诺

And you can't afford to lie 而且你不能撒谎


You'll never touch 你永远也不会碰

These things that I hold 这些东西,我认为

The skin of my emotions 我的情绪皮肤

Lies beneath my own 位于下我自己

You'll never feel 你会不会觉得

The heat of this soul 这个灵魂的热

My fever burns me deeper 我发烧烧了我更深

Than I've ever shown 比我曾经所示

To you 给你


You'll say 你会说

Don't fear your dreams 不要害怕你的梦想

It's easier than it seems 它更容易似乎比

You'll say you'd never 你会说你永远不会

Let me fall from hopes so high 让我的希望如此之高回落

But never is a promise 但绝不是一种承诺

And you can't afford to lie 而且你不能撒谎


You'll never live 你永远活

The life that I live 我过的生活

I'll never live the life 我永远鲜活的生命

That wakes me in the night 这唤醒了我的夜晚

You'll never hear 你将永远听不到

The message I give 我给的消息

Youy'll say it looks as though Youyll说,它看起来好像

I might give up this fight 我可能会放弃这场战斗


But as the scenery grows 但是,随着生长的风景

I see in different lights 我不同的灯光看

The shades and shadows 在色调和阴影

Undulate in my perception 波动在我的看法

My feelings swell and stretch 我的感觉膨胀和拉伸

I see from greater heights 我是从更高的高度看

I realise what I am now 我知道现在的我

Too smart to mention 太聪明了提

To you 给你


You'll say you understand 你会说你明白

You'll never understand 你永远也不会明白

I'll say I'll never wake up 我会说我永远不会醒来

Knowing how or why 知道如何或为什么

I don't know what 我不知道是什么

To believe in 相信

You won't know who I am 你不会知道我是谁

You'll say I need appeasing 你会说,我需要安抚

When I start to cry 当我开始哭泣

But never is a promise 但绝不是一种承诺

And I'll never need a lie 我再也不需要谎言

歌词 Never Is A Promise 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/never-is-a-promise/