歌词 "Neon Crossing" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Neon Crossing



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

all you people can feel it waiting 所有的人,你能感觉到它在等待

innocence and love, wrapped in the arms 纯真和爱,裹在怀里

of the burning neon 燃烧着的霓虹灯

I feel it, I feel it 我觉得吧,我觉得这

it's so entertaining and so wonderful 它是如此有趣,如此美妙

it magically calls for you 它奇迹般地呼唤你

big neon crossing show me the way 大霓虹灯交叉给我指路

save my soul today 今天拯救我的灵魂


don't you worry and don't be afraid 你不要担心,不要害怕

does it send you to the world appealing 它送你到世界吸引力

where there is spoken word that I can't 哪里有口头语言,我不能


so I'm the liar, I'm the liar 所以我是骗子,我是骗子


you'd be so disappointed 你会很失望

to find out that the magic was not 找出魔术是不

really meant for you 真正的意思给你

歌词 Neon Crossing 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/neon-crossing/