歌词 "My Sweet Fracture" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

My Sweet Fracture



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Could you tell me the next time that you're choking? 你能告诉我,你窒息的下一次?

'Cause I'll rush right over 因为我会赶在右

to shove some dirt right down your throat 要推一些土右了你的喉咙

It's nothing I have against you 这是什么我对你

You're just a creep and 你只是一个蠕变和

you can't remember the last five years 你可以不记得过去的五年

What's a bond if it dissolves in water? 什么是债券,如果它在水中溶解?

I took a piss that lasted longer 我把小便的持续时间长

than you and your manipulations 比你和你的操作

I called my mom last night 我打电话给我妈,昨晚

She said, "Sweetie, you don't need someone 她说:“亲爱的,你不需要别人

who's more fleeting than fall" 谁比下跌更多转瞬即逝“

'Cause don't you love those leaves? 因为你不喜欢那些叶子?

Don't you wish the orange stayed forever 难道你不希望橘子永远住

And Crickets sang in the night all through winter?" 和蟋蟀唱一晚上,经过冬天? “

And I thought, slow down, Chris 我想,慢下来,克里斯

Think of all the time this jerk 想想所有的时间这个混蛋

has fucked you up and left you down 已经搞砸你上下离开你

And hey, I choose my company 哎,我选择我公司

by the beating of their hearts 通过他们的心的跳动

Not the swelling of their heads 他们的头不肿胀

Besides, I'd rather forget the days we spent 此外,我宁愿忘记我们度过的日子

Than try to stay afloat in shallow water. 不是试图维持下去在浅水中。

歌词 My Sweet Fracture 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/my-sweet-fracture/