歌词 "My Life Story" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

My Life Story



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I was on my way 我对我的方式

To be with you today 与你同在今天

well you know it's true 嗯,你知道这是真的

Because I wouldn't lie to you 因为我不会骗你


First my car broke down 首先我的车抛锚

So then I had to hitch a ride 于是我只好搭顺风车

I was almost there 我几乎没有

When the motor died 当电动机死


Don't hate me forever 不要恨我一辈子

I'm better late than never 我迟到总比不到好

I failed you 我辜负了你

I'm sorry 对不起

That's simply my life story 这简直是我一生的故事


I know it's much too late 我知道这是太迟

To take you on a date 带你约会

I know that it's no use 我知道这是没有用的

But this is my excuse 但是,这是我的借口


I was in a plane 我是在一个平面上

And it was falling from the sky 它是从天上掉下

I knew I had to survive 我知道我必须要生存

So I could say goodbye 所以我可以说再见


You change your mind 你改变主意

Like I change the time 就像我更改时间

That I was gonna call you 那我会打电话给你

Or say I was about to 或者说,我正要

You change your mind 你改变主意

Like I change the time 就像我更改时间

I said that I would be there 我说我会在那里

But then I didn't have a thing to wear 但当时我没有衣服可以穿

歌词 My Life Story 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/my-life-story-1/

歌词 My Life Story 的作者与版权信息:


Michael Arthur Herrera


Mxpx Songs