歌词 "My Innocence" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

My Innocence


歌词相关歌手:BIF NAKED

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I started with something you said 我开始用的东西,你说

It threw a curveball at my head 它扔了一个弧线球,在我的头上

Then came the ringing in my ears 随后而来的在我耳边响起

I filled the bathtub with my tears 我填写的浴缸,带我的眼泪


Kiss my innocence goodbye 亲亲我的清白再见

My innocence just died 我的清白刚刚去世

Kiss my innocence goodbye 亲亲我的清白再见

My innocence just died 我的清白刚刚去世


I won't be mourning the loss 我不会哀悼损失

Not going to bear it like a cross 不打算承担它像一个十字架

Don't worry about me dear 不要担心我亲爱的

Thankyou I'll manage it from here 三江源我会从这里进行管理


I can be a big girl 我可以是一个大女孩

And take it all in stride 并采取一切处之泰然

Swallowing my pride 吞下我的骄傲


Kiss my innocence goodbye 亲亲我的清白再见

My innocence just died 我的清白刚刚去世

Kiss my innocence goodbye 亲亲我的清白再见

My innocence just died 我的清白刚刚去世


If what they tell me is true 如果他们告诉我什么是真正的

I should be waking up brand new 我应该是起床全新

And see the sun up in the sky 看看太阳在天空

I guess it must have been my time 我想这一定是我的时间


To kiss my innocence goodbye 亲亲我的清白再见

Because my innocence just died 因为我的清白刚刚去世

You can kiss my innocence goodbye 你可以吻我的清白再见

My innocence just died 我的清白刚刚去世

You can kiss my innocence goodbye 你可以吻我的清白再见

You can kiss my innocence goodbye 你可以吻我的清白再见

You can kiss my innocence goodbye 你可以吻我的清白再见

You can kiss my innocence goodbye, goodbye goodbye 你可以吻我的清白再见,再见再见

歌词 My Innocence 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/my-innocence/