歌词 "My Faith" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

My Faith



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

As I came into this place 当我来到这地方

I felt His presence in this place 我觉得在这个地方他的存在

As I came into this place 当我来到这地方

I felt His power in this place 我觉得他的力量在这个地方

The hand of God is moving 上帝之手正

He is reaching out to me 他伸手给我

The King of Kings is present 万王之王存在

So open up your heart 所以打开你的心脏


My faith reaches out to you 我的信仰伸出手来

I believe Your Word for me today 今天,我相信你的话对我来说

[2x] [ 2倍]

Lord I believe 主,我相信

I believe 我相信


The Spirit of God is the answer 神的灵就是答案

He knows just what you require 他知道正是你需要

This is a divine appointment 这是一个神圣的约会

Today your destiny will change 今天,你的命运就会改变

The heavens are opened wide 天都大开

It is pouring down on us 这是对我们倾泻而下

Showers of blessing 祝福骤雨

Position to receive 位置接收

歌词 My Faith 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/my-faith/