歌词 "My Dark Life" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

My Dark Life



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

She says nobody wants to believe 她说,没有人愿意相信

You're the same as everyone. 你是一样的每一个人。

What makes me unique? My Dark Life. 是什么让我如此独特?我暗生。

There was a kink in the world 有在世界上扭结

Sent that statue tumbling 发送的雕像翻滚

An invitation east 邀请东

So we can watch it all crumbling 因此,我们可以看到它所有摇摇欲坠


She came off like light and so softly she spoke: 她来过似的光等轻声说着说着:

"You don't know, no you don't know about my dark life" “你不知道,不,你不知道我的黑暗生活”

And you think you're a guest, you're a tourist at best 而你认为你的客人,你是一个旅游的最佳

Peering into the corners of your dark life 窥视到你的黑暗生活的角落

Now that you tear your dreams from consumptive ballerinas 现在,你撕你的梦想从消费芭蕾舞

She'd stand on tiptoes for you in a grey and tattered tutu 她会在一个灰色和破烂的蓬蓬裙站在脚尖为你

She stays where she is because of voyeurs like these 她停留,因为像这样的偷窥者的她在哪里

With an accusative look that says My Dark Life. 用宾格看,上面写着我的暗无天日的生活。


Robber men await you then in each beguiling alley 强盗的人等待着你,然后在每一个胡同潇洒

To shake you and to pierce you and remind you of 撼动你,刺穿你和提醒你

My Dark Life. 我暗生。


Enter the pious elite, in their preening finery 进入虔诚的精英,他们的打扮服饰

And bang the tambourine 和Bang铃鼓

They're dining on rice paper scenery 他们用餐宣纸风光

See how the villain attracts envious glances from everyone 怎么看小人吸引艳羡的目光从众人

She's waitressing by day 她白天当女服务生

It doesn't bring in much money now 它不以多少钱把现在


And his strong concealed arms set off bells and alarms 而他强壮的手臂隐蔽掀起的钟声和警报

In the strangest locations of My Dark Life 在我的黑暗人生最奇异的地方

But the fantasy slipped as he tipped her in cigarettes 但幻想滑倒,他放倒了她的香烟

She tries to smile very graciously when she wants to kill him 她试图微笑很客气,当她想要杀了他

Now the victory is sweet, you'll get down on your knees 现在的胜利是甜的,你会得到跪在地上

It's the perfect position for kissing western leather 这对西方亲吻皮革完美的位置


So they came from Ugly Texas and from Nameless Tennessee 因此,他们从得克萨斯州丑陋和无名的田纳西州来了

From Peculiar Missouri and from places closer to me. 来自密苏里州的奇特和地方接近我。

All the cream of heartless England, cheered the carnival is over 无情英国的所有精华,欢呼雀跃狂欢结束

There are remnants of red army bandsmen 有红军残部bandsmen

Played "America The Beautiful" 玩过“美国的美丽”

歌词 My Dark Life 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/my-dark-life/

歌词 My Dark Life 所在专辑及曲目:
所在专辑:Other songs
Abandoned Masquerade
Back On My Feet
Basement Kiss
Bright Blue Times
Brilliant Disguise
Burnt Sugar Is So Bitter
Come Away, Death
Couldn't You Keep That To Yourself
Dirty Rotten Shame
Don't Be Careless Love
Fake Tin Star
Fire Suite 1
Fire Suite 3
Fire Suite Reprise
I Dreamed Of My Old Lover Last Night
I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself
I Throw My Toys Around
I'll Never Fall In Love Again
Less Than Zero (Dallas Version)
Lesson In Cruelty
Life Shrinks
Long Journey Home
Lost In The Stars
Lovers That Never Were
Mischievous Ghost
Miss Mary
Mistress And Maid
My Brave Face
My Dark Life
My Mood Swings
O, Mistress Mine
Oh Well
Party Party
Passionate Fight
Punishing Kiss
Put Your Big Toe In The Milk Of Human Kindness
Shadow And Jimmy
She (Tous Les Visages De L'Amour)
Soul For Hire (45 Alibis Version)
Sparkling Day
St. Stephen's Day Murders
Suspect My Tears
That Day Is Done
The Bridge I Burned
The Fall Of The World's Own Optimist
The King Of The Unknown Sea
The Night Before Larry Was Stretched
The Unfailing Welcome To The Voice
Tommy's Coming Home
Twenty-Five Fingers
Unwanted Number
What Do I Do Now?
When That I Was And A Little Tiny Boy
You Want Her Too
Home Before Dark
One Shot In The Dark
Dark Horse
Drinkin' Dark Whiskey
Dark Star
Beauty Of The Dark
We All Feel Better In The Dark
Lighter (Remix)
Dark Star
Paper And Iron (Notes And Coins)
All The Years
Idle Mind
Grand Ol Party Crash
What A Night
Get Ya Hustle On
With You
Ghetto Rich
Highly Strung
Conquer The World
Can't Hold Us
Top Niveau
Eyes Wide Open
歌词 My Dark Life 的作者与版权信息:


Elvis Costello


Universal Music Publishing Mgb Ltd.