歌词 "Murderer" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Chorus x2] [合唱x ]

Murderer! Blood is on your shoulders 凶手!血液是在你的肩膀

Kill I today you cannot kill I tomorrow 杀了今天我不能杀明天我

Murder! Your insides must be hollow 杀人啦!你的内心一定是空心的

How does it feel to take the life of another 到底是什么感觉拿别人的生命


Yes, you can hide from man but not your conscience 是的,你可以隐藏的人,但不是你的良心

You eat the bread of sorrow 你吃悲伤的面包

Drink the wine of violence 喝暴力的酒

Allow yourself to be conquered by the serpent 允许自己被蛇所征服

Why did you disobey the first commandment 你为什么要违背第一诫

Walk through the valley I fear no pestilence 通过幽谷,我不怕瘟疫

God is my witness and He is my evidence 上帝为我作证他是我的证据

Lift up mine eyes from whence cometh help 抬起我的眼睛从那里来了求助

You will never escape this judgement 你将永远无法逃脱这一判断


[Chours] [ Chours ]


I tell you, all men are created equal 我告诉你,所有的人都是平等的

But behind the trigger it's a different sequel 但触发它背后是一个不同的续集

Some are murdering people just to collect medals 有些人谋杀的人只是为了收集奖牌

Stop committing dirty acts for the high officials 停止犯肮脏行为的高级官员

You could wash your hands until you can't wash them any more 你可以洗你的手,直到你不能把它们洗干净更多

It is like an epidemic and you won't find a cure 它就像一种流行病,你不会找到治愈

Upper class you could be rich, middle class whether you are poor 上层阶级,你可以有钱,中产阶级无论你是穷人

Only the righteous won't feel insecure 只有正义会不会觉得不安全

Have you ever thought about your skill getting bored 你有没有想过你的技能感到厌烦


[Chorus] [合唱]


Drinking sulphur bitters won't be bitter like your end 喝硫苦不苦像你到底

Only God can help you, no family or friend 只有上帝可以帮你,没有家人或朋友

Don't let the curse be upon your children's children 不要让诅咒临到你的孩子的孩子

Abednigo, Shadreck, Meshek, Daniel in the dne Abednigo , Shadreck , Meshek ,丹尼尔在DNE

Jonah in the whale's belly, but was never condemned 约拿在鲸鱼的肚子里,但从未谴责

Job with the leprosy, and he still reached heaven 工作与麻风病,他仍然达到天堂

He will do for you everything He has done for them 他会为你做的一切,他已为他们做

歌词 Murderer 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/murderer/

歌词 Murderer 的作者与版权信息:


Clement S. Dodd, Mark Myrie, Mark Anthony Myrie, von Wayne S. Charles, von Wyane Charles, Ramel Gill, Tiheem Crocker, Clement Dodd


Gargamel Music, Sony/ATV Melody, Donovan Germain Music, Songs Of Polygram Int. Inc., Jamrec Music Admin. by Happy Valley Music, Isj Music, Singso Ww Music, D J Irv Publishing, Sony/ATV Harmony, Jetstar Music Limited, Blunts Guns & Funds Music