歌词 "Move With Me Slowly" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Move With Me Slowly



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I'm lost in imagination 我失去了想象力

Still contemplate animation 还是考虑动画

I just groove on your breathing 我只是凹槽你的呼吸

I do it all for you 我做的这一切为你


You've got a problem witcha boyfriend 你有一个问题witcha男友

He don't squeeze you right 他不挤你的权利

He got you facedown and waiting, baby 他把你面朝下,等待宝宝

Keep you waiting all night 让你久等了一夜

So do me a favour 所以帮我一个忙


Won't you 不会吧

Move with me slowly 移动与我慢慢

Get too close to me 太靠近我

Move with me slowly 移动与我慢慢

Just like we're meant to be 就像我们注定要

Just like we're meant to be 就像我们注定要


Hey say sister 嘿,说姐姐

You're dreaming 你在做梦

You got stars in your eyes 您在您的眼前了星星

A little conscious behavior 有一点自觉行为

Is gonna cut 是要去切

You down to size 您的威风


You hear me knocking 你听到我敲门

So let me in 因此,让我在

When your blood runs cold 当你的血液运行冷

And your love wears thin 和你的爱穿着薄

It's over passion 这是在激情

It's under the skin 这是皮肤下

If love ain't a miracle 如果爱情是不是一个奇迹

It sure ain't a sin 这肯定不是一种罪过

So let me in 因此,让我在


Take me to the city 带我去城市

Take me on my knees 就拿我跪下

Take me anyway 带我反正

You find me baby 你会发现我的宝宝

I've got this love disease 我有这个病的爱情

And there ain't nothin' 并有没什么

I can do 我可以做

歌词 Move With Me Slowly 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/move-with-me-slowly/