歌词 "Mouth 2 Mouth" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Mouth 2 Mouth



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Calling your name 呼唤你的名字

You're diving again 你再度跳水

You are my sunken friend 你是我的朋友沉船

Close to a drunken end 接近年底醉酒


Mouth to mouth and head in sand 嘴对嘴和头部的沙

I am holding you 我抱着你

Mouth to mouth, just seconds by 嘴对嘴,只是秒

Saved your life again 又救过你的命


Slumber in water 沉睡中的水

You need a navigator 你需要一个导航仪

Say, how is the weather down there? 再说了,天气如何下来呢?

I'd really like to know... 我真的很想知道...


Mouth to mouth and head in sand 嘴对嘴和头部的沙

I am holding you 我抱着你

Mouth to mouth, just seconds by 嘴对嘴,只是秒

Saved your life again 又救过你的命


Mouth to mouth and head in sand 嘴对嘴和头部的沙

I am holding you 我抱着你

Mouth to mouth, just seconds by 嘴对嘴,只是秒

Saved your life again 又救过你的命

And again, and again 又一次,又一次

歌词 Mouth 2 Mouth 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/mouth-2-mouth/